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Inspiration for this poem: lgbtq community.


Rainbow was colourful.
But our life was suck and miserable.
We tried our best to be like them.
Well, they just treated us like nothing.

Some of my friends seems so happy being me around.
They enjoy my company 'cause I'm funny and loud.

And there's this bitch and hardheaded people.
Calling us faggot, bitch you're worst than you think you are.

Why on earth.
Discrimination is in it.
We all imperfectly perfect in this perfect world.

The rainbows you bullied will marked to the history.
'Cause we're talented enough to make your country proud and happy.

Now, I'll ask you?
Do you imagine the world without gays?

No, because they make our life colorful with joy.
They may be different when it comes to gender.
But they are still human who need respect and love forever.

Poetry Of LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz