Chapter Eleven

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I woke up to someone poking me. I opened my eyes and saw Kyle looking at me afraid. "Kyle? What's wrong?" I said sitting up. "He called me," he whispered. "Who?" I asked crossing my legs. "Josh, mom fled the country, he's in jail now, Josh is going to a foster home," he whispered. My jaw dropped. "Wait, so," "I go to a foster home," he said. "Oh, well, let's go to sleep and I'm gonna talk to Ian tomorrow," I said. He nodded and sniffled. "Hey, it's okay," I said. He nodded and wiped his eye. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug. He cried into my shoulder. "Shh, it's okay!" I said rubbing his back.

"What's going on in here?" We heard. Kyle sat up and we looked at the door. "Ian, Kyle can't go to school tomorrow," I said. Ian looked confused. He motioned for me to come to him. I looked at Kyle. He nodded at me and sniffled, laying back down. I got up and went to Ian. He stepped into the hallway and I followed. He closed the door and looked at me.

"Why can't he go to school tomorrow?" He asked looking down at me. "His mom fled the country, his brothers in foster care, his dad's in jail, he's gonna be going to a foster home and he's not in the head space for school," I whispered. Ian looked at me like he was thinking. "Okay, we can stay tomorrow and work this out," he nodded. I nodded and hugged him. "Thanks dad," I said. I know I called him dad but, he is my dad. He is the only father figure in my life other than Russell who has ever taken care of me or cared for me. "Get to sleep," he said and pat my back. I let go and went into the room. Kyle was laying there, staring at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry, I'm such a baby! Crying at a friend's house!" He said and covered his face. "Hey, you're not a baby. I get it, I understand," I said. He looked at me and smiled. "Thanks Charlie," He smiled. I smiled back. "Let's get to bed, need sleep!" I said dramatically. He laughed and I got back in bed and went back to sleep.

I woke up again this time to Ian. "Boys, time to get up!" He said and clapped his hands. "Nooooo!" Kyle and I said at the same time. "But it's time for lunch!" He said and pulled the covers off of us. "Daaaaad!" I whined and reached for the blanket. "No, get up!" He said and grabbed my wrist pulling me up. I whined and he pulled me up. "You too Kyle!" He said and grabbed Kyle's ankle and pulled him to the edge of the bed and grabbed his wrist pulling his up. "Ian," he whined. Ian chuckled. "Lunch," he said. "Get dressed!" He said before leaving.

Kyle started to get ready but I climbed back in bed. "Charlie, he's gonna get mad and spank you!" Kyle said. "I'm tired!" I mumbled and snuggled into the blanket. I heard Kyle sighed before leaving the room. I inwardly smiled and laid on my stomach and started to fall back asleep.

"Ow!" I cried and and turned, covering my bum. I saw Ian standing there looking upset. "Charles Evan when I say get up, you get up!" He warned. I nodded and wiped the tear off my cheek. "Get up," he said. I sniffled and reached for him. He sighed and lifted me off the bed. "Get dressed," he said patting by bum to get me moving before leaving. I sighed and grabbed my black ripped jeans and a grey hoodie. I yawn and left my room, going downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and Kyle was sitting at the table and Ian was sitting in his spot. "Glad you decided to join us," Ian said. I sat down at my spot and there was a plate with some spaghetti. I looked at it and sighed. "Charlie," I looked up. "Eat," Ian said. I looked at my plate again before picking up my fork and eating.

"So, Kyle," Ian started. Kyle and I, both, looked at him. "We are going to the courthouse today" he said. Kyle nodded and looked down. "You'll be okay," I reassured. He smiled at me and nodded. "When you're finished get some books or something to do while I'm talking with them," Ian said. We nodded. "Can we drive by my house first?" Kyle asked. "For?" Ian asked standing up with his plate. "My guitar," he answered. "Sure," Ian smiled. Kyle and I both stood and put our plates in the sink. I ran up to my room with Kyle following. We grabbed our phones, chargers, and ear buds. We went downstairs and put our shoes on. "Let's go!" Ian said, grabbing his keys.

We got in the car and Kyle told him his address. We drove by his house and it looked abandoned. "I'll go in with you," Ian said. Kyle nodded. "Me too!" I said. "Thanks," he smiled at me. We got out and went in. Kyle opened the door and it smelled of beer and cigarettes. "My rooms over here," Kyle said. We followed his down the hall and to a very small room. He grabbed his guitar from the corner and we quickly left. We got in the car again and we went to the courthouse.

We got there and Ian looked at us. "You will be on your best behavior, you understand?" He asked. We nodded. "Verbal answer," he demanded. "Yes sir," we answered. He nodded and we got out. Kyle eyed a microphone and amplifier in front of the building. We went in and Ian told us to sit down while he talked to the officer. "Come on!" Kyle whispered. I looked at Ian and saw his back to us. I quickly followed Kyle outside and we went to the amplifier.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he took his guitar out. "Relax," he said. I sighed but relax. He plugged his guitar in and started playing and singing riptide and damn he was good! He finished and he smiled at me but slowly frowned. I turned around and saw Ian standing there with his arms crossed. Kyle unplugged his guitar and put it away and we walked to Ian. "I told you to stay!" He said. We looked down. "I'm sorry," Kyle mumbled. He shook his head and grabbed our shoulders leading us inside. He sat us down and went back to talking.

"Kyle, Charlie," we looked up and Ian motioned for us to come to him. "Which is Kyle?" She asked. Kyle raised his hand. "Kyle Thomas Raptors, do you agree to being adopted by Ian Somerhalder?" She asked. I looked at Kyle. "Yes ma'am," he said. I smiled. "Mr. Somerhalder if you would sign this," she said. Ian nodded and signed it. "Congratulations!" She smiled. I hugged Kyle and he hugged me back. "Let's go home, little brother!" I said. He laughed and hugged Ian. "Thank you!" He said. Ian hugged him. "Not a problem at all!" Ian smiled. We went out to the car and went home. Ian ordered pizza for dinner and we had a movie night! It feels cool to have a little brother. Kyle is thirteen and skipped two grades because he's a genius!

"We could get the guest room set up and decorate it to become your room tomorrow," Ian said. We nodded and ate pizza and watched the movie as a small happy family. After We ate we all for showers and went to bed. Kyle and I slept like we did last night. With my feet in his face and his feet in my face.

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