Without Goodbyes

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Hey everyone! So, I wanted to do this for Valentine's Day, but I couldn't get it in sooner. I had a date...

With biology homework!

Okay, that is my joke of the day lol

Anyway, I was originally going to make this one-shot so light and fluffy with this idea I got from watching one of my Filipino soap operas, but then everything got too intense and angsty. Not necessarily a bad thing, but then again, Valentine's Day is not always a good thing for some people.

Okay, so this one-shot takes place after the one year time skip. The time skip happened after the Tartaros Arc for those of you who don't know.

I hope you guys enjoy!



"Yo Lucy!" Natsu happily shouted out as entered the said girl's apartment via window.

"Natsu, how many times do I have to tell you to not use my window as your entrance point!" Lucy's voice was echoing from the kitchen.

"I told you she would get mad," Happy commented as he entered into the apartment.

"Shut up," Natsu grumbled under his breath.

Lucy then walked into her room with a wooden tray. Sitting on the tray were three tall glasses filled with ice, a large glass pitcher of lemonade with about a dozen lemon slices in the drink, and three colorful straws, which in fact matched their hair colors: pink, yellow, and blue.

"Please help yourselves while I get started on lunch," Lucy said as she set the tray on the coffee table. "And don't mess around with my apartment," Lucy said with a glare. Then, she headed back into the kitchen.

Natsu and Happy looked at the drinks, and then at each other with a smile. Although they were smiling, there was a hint of sadness in there. Their eyes wandered back to the tray and glasses. Even though Natsu and Happy frequently barged into her apartment, Lucy still knew that they were coming. And although the blonde would use violence toward them every once in a while or giving them a never ending lesson on why breaking and entering is bad, Lucy would still treat them well.

Natsu and Happy looked at each other once more, but this time, with determined looks. With that, they quietly slipped out of the apartment and headed into the woods.


"Natsu! Happy! Lunch time!" Lucy exclaimed as she was setting up the table residing inside the kitchen. There was no response. She called their names again, but there was still nothing.

To be honest, those two were really quiet ever since she left them drinks. At first, Lucy thought that they fell asleep, but even then, Natsu's snoring can be heard from a mile away. She had been worried ever since, but decided to brush it off, thinking that she had been overreacting. But now, she was running out of the kitchen, not caring about the food still cooking on the stove.

Lucy stopped at the doorway to her room, frantically scanning the room for any disturbances. The tray of the glasses now filled with melted ice and the pitcher of lemonade, which remained the same. And then the slight breeze that was coming from her open window.

Judging from the scene, Natsu and Happy left without a good bye. Lucy sighed with relief, but also with an exasperated tone. She didn't care about the untouched lemonade, or the fact that they left her window wide open. Why couldn't they just tell her that they had to leave? Lucy walked up to the window and slammed it shut. Then she quickly walked back to the kitchen to tend to her food.

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