salut! never do author notes before chapters but i've taken french pour cinq ans and i'm still terrible at it, so please, please excuse my french in this chapter. merci beaucoup!
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20th july, 2018 5:66 pm
"HEY INÊS, CALUM wanted me to ask you if you would be okay—"
"I'm going to kill you," a voice groans from the inside, then repeats, louder, "I'm going to kill you!"
"Well I mean if it's quick and fast then I guess—"
The door is thrown open, and Inês storms out, her gun in her hand and her eyes wild with anger.
"Going to fucking—"
"Woah, WOAH!" Ashton exclaims, throwing his hands in the air and stumbling backwards, pressing himself against the wall, "talk about shooting the messenger! Literally!"
Inês glares at him as she shoves her gun into her waistband and points at her ear, mouthing the world BLUETOOTH to him. Ashton's rigid posture slacks as he lets out an exaggerated sigh of relief and gives her two thumbs up, moving out of her way and back into the hallway, where Calum is currently sat, watching all of the footage from all of the crimes they've ever committed.
He says it's therapeutic, but Ashton doesn't agree with him. It's like filming all of your sexual encounters and then jacking off to them later when you don't get any.
He shudders at the thought.
"Well," Calum asks, "what did she say?"
"She was on the phone, almost killed me when I tried to ask her. God, I'm so thankful I wasn't on the other end of that."
"You think she'll go for it?"
Ashton shrugs, falling onto the couch as he twists a ring around his finger and replies, "I mean, she'll do whatever for the team, she's a sport that way. But will she like it? Inês and Aaliyah do not get along. They're like sodium and cold water, when they meet—," Ashton makes a blowing action with his fingers, "Boom. The reaction is very violent and very exothermic."
Calum gives him a sideway glance, "Carl taught you that?"
"Of course," Ashton grins.
"I would send Carl with Aaliyah, but he's just so—"
"Nerdy?" Ashton offers, leaning forward and pouring himself vodka to enjoy his last night in the city, "Amateur?"
"Kid's smart, but he's not a professional. Don't get me wrong, I do trust him, but they're both so young, it's scary. And he graduated high school at thirteen? Again, trust them, but young."