Part 23 The Masked Person

Start from the beginning

Ok ok where looking for someone. I Said

Who ? The Masked Person Asked Me

An old friend her name Is Ellen. I Said

The Masked Person chuckled and I glared at  or her. 

What's so funny ? I Asked The Masked Person

Nothing I've got to go hunt you two stay here. The Masked Person Said

I rolled my eyes.

How the hell are we gonna leave asshole. I thought to myself

The Masked Person left and I looked at Z.

Dombass you almost got yourself killed. I Said

Well maybe that Person should learn that you can't own a planet. Z Said

I don't care learn when to shut up. I Said

Z huffed and looked down.

Whatever. Z Said

I looked over and saw a knife on the table and tried to reach for It.

almost. I Said

Your not gonna beadle to reach It. Z Said

I glared at Z.

Well at lest I'm trying something. I Said

After a few minutes of trying I gave up and sighed.

Where gonna die here. I Said

No where not. Z Said

Z reached and was able to grab the knife.

Wow good job now cut us free and let's get out of here. I Said

Z Cut himself free then Me and helped me up and we walked out of the hut to see a whole camp set up.

Wow that person's got everything here. Z Said

Yeah they do. I Said

Suddenly Z was tacked to the ground by the Masked Person.

Should have known that you'd get out of thous ropes. The Masked Person Said

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