smooth ✄ ponyboy curtis

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You sigh, looking down at your exam for math. You were absolutely nervous for it, since your mother was constantly getting onto you for your grades.

You felt a poke on your side, causing you to jump a bit and turn to your classmate, Ponyboy.

"Hey!" You whisper to him, shoving his shoulder. "You're gonna get us in trouble, now shut up and let me work!" You return back to your exam.

After you answered a few questions, you feel the poke once again. You groan and turn to him. "Hey wanker, you need to st-"

"There is something incorrect on your paper," He says, chuckling.

You raise an eyebrow, looking at the paper. As you scan the paper, you see nothing but the correct answers.

"Where?" You question, panicking.

"Right there," He leans over, but before he does so, the teacher yells for him to stop.

"Both of you! Go to the office, now." The teacher grabs the exam from you and Ponyboy.

You groan, then stand up and walk out of the room, Ponyboy following close behind.

He places a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, we don't have to take that test anymore, now do we?"

You shrug his hand of your shoulder, obvious that you were pissed. "Yeah, but we get a big fat F instead! Now, instead of bothering me, why won't ya tell me what the mistake on my paper was before I go crazy!"

Ponyboy laughs. "You misspelled your last name wrong, honey."

You throw your hands in the air. "Okay, mister, how do you spell it then?"

"It's C-U-R-T-I-S, sweetheart."

hi i stole this idea from someone and i absolutely forgot who came up with it, so creds to them!
who is your fav 90s actor?

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