Chapter 6 - Confessing

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(Adam Pov)

I had to do it I didn't like the game anyway and making a joke like that would make Ty stop the game but also make him unhappy with me.

We kept walking past everything Ty turned to me "did you hear that?" he asked

I tried listening "Emily slow down!" a boy voice shouted down the hall "Come on guys I think it's this way!" a girl voice shouted

"s-should we hide?!" Ty asked looking worried "go in there!" I said opening a classroom door letting Ty go in first.

"g-guys I'm not that fast" another voice said "hurry up guys!" their footsteps were fading away from us

"there's people who are alive?!" I asked shocked Ty opened the door "we have no time to meet people we have to look for our friends" Ty said sighing

I nodded "god I wish I knew where they were" Ty whispered we both kept walking down the hall "we should call out their names out  and maybe they will hear us" I said

Ty shook his head "No that's a horrible plan anything could find us" he said I nodded "I understand" I said making Ty sigh

we both didn't speak leaving the sound of our steps on the wooden floor. I needed talk about something or this is going to make me insane, Ty was ahead of me looking around he wasn't looking where he was going

"Ty?" I asked he kept walking "Ty you ok?" I asked "Ty" I shouted he turned around

"whoa?" he said he had a puzzle face on "what?" he asked "you wasn't replying" I said worried "oh sorry I'm just tried" Ty said smiling at me.

(Ty Pov)

"I'll be fine" I said I could see Adam was worrying about me but I was fine.

We kept walking down the halls Adam shushed me as he grabbed my hand making me stop.

I didn't speak but listen with Adam, it was footsteps "hide" I whispered we both ran into a classroom shutting the door behind us.

"Guys?" a boy voice called out "Jessie, Morgan?" he called out "Kathryn?" he called out again "Tyler!" he shouted "ugh I should of found somebody!" he yelled.

He sounded like he was right outside our room... "I'm going to punch you Tyler when I find you" he murmured "w-who is it?" I questioned

Adam shushed me again, the footsteps faded away "is it safe?" Adam questioned I shushed him making him look at me with a small smile

I open the door peeking my head out "he's gone" I whispered. "This is like hide and seek" Adam said

I just looked over to him only if looks could kill...

"Heh sorry bad timing again?" Adam asked while grinning I nodded and we kept walking past everything

"wait my Dad is going to kill me!" I said upset remembering that my Dad was going to wait for me after school.

Adam looked at me "you're in a school that you never been before and you're worried about you being late?!" Adam asked giving me a strange look

"yes! We were going to go burger king tonight!" I said feeling disappointed, Adam laughed "oh my god Ty you're killing me!" he giggle out

"why you laughing? Burger king is nothing to joke about!" I said jokingly earning Adam to fall to the ground laughing.

(Adam Pov)

I was laughing so hard I don't think the ghosts are going to kill me but Ty was going to end me!

"Oh my god Ty that's so hilarious!" I busted out laughing "it's not!" Ty said crossing his arms on his chest, I stop laughing giving Ty a gentle smile.

"I'm sorry maybe when we get home I'll take you out to burger king" I said blushing. Ty looked up at me "really?" he said showing his big smile,

I blushed more "Yeah I can't wait!" he said jumping up, I got up from the flour.

He said yes was it a date? I felt happy,

Ty kept jumping up and down "you and me and burgers it's going to be amazing!" he said giggling.

Maybe this is a good moment to tell him my feelings?

I grabbed his hands making him look at me "w-what you doing?" Ty asked making myself blush more

am I really doing this?

"T-Ty" I whispered I was looking into his green eyes "t-there something I want you to know" I whispered "A-Adam are you ok?" he sounded concerned


I couldn't get the words out of my mouth...

"You?" Ty asked looking up into my yellow eyes, my whole face was bright red about now

"is it bad?" Ty asked looking more worried I shook my head as no...

"You know what, you are really amazing" I whispered

I couldn't do it...

Ty nodded not believing me "ok?" he said

"go on in the next room I can keep the door open" Ty said walking over to a door opening it for me. I nodded walking in letting Ty stay by the door so I could look around.

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