Chapter 17

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What is taking them so long!!! I thought to myself. Hey girl, I got the marshmallows. Said Rydel.

Ok cool and what took you so long? I asked. Oh I don't know, It just did. Rydel said. Wanna cook

lunch first. I asked Rydel. No, let's eat marshmallows first. Rydel said. Ok. Where's Riker ,Rocky,

Ratliff, Stormie and Mark? I asked her. They should be here in a few, I don't know what's on over

there. Rydel said. Let's go over there and look.

At the lynches.

We walked in their house and I seen Ross and Laura making out on the couch. I literally started

crying, but I tried to hold it in, but I couldn't they slipped down my cheeks so I covered my face

with my scarf  I was wearing . Then soon I hear love me by Justin bebier cover by R5. I

was about to go punch Ross's till his face was all black and sore and bleeding. He probably seen

me with my fist up and fiery red face till he grabbed me and pulled me away into a dark closet.

dark closet

Why are we in here, I want to know now. I demanded. I want you back. Ross said. Why, you

already have someone better, like Laura. I said to him. You know what, I love you and I shouldn't

have never screamed at you over the phone. Ross said. Love me again, please. Ok, Ross I'll love

you again, but your still with Laura. Hanna Said. Well I'll break up her , but over a text! Ok cool

now let's do it. I said


Ross: hey I need to tell you something.

Laura: What

Ross: I'm breaking up with you , sorry

Laura: hahahaha Ross funny joke.

Ross: No it's not a joke it's real.

Laura: Then I'm leaving your stupid house and family , forever , so lit means I'm quitting Austin

and Ally.

Ross: Go do it I really don't care so bye.

End of convo

Wow she didn't take that good, we s h would probably get out now. Yeah we should.

out of the closet

Hey let's watch the love me cover you guys did by Justin bebier. I said . Yeah let's just skip to

the part when Ratliff say amamy amamay De say k chew amamy. Ross said. Yeah! Ok I'll get my

iPad and we can watch. yay!

after the video

We were cracking up so hard then we just started laughing at nothing. We stopped after about

ten minutes. That was a good time Ross and I have together.

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