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"Get off me!" I managed to yelp, as a creature snatched me into their grip. He didn't respond through words, he only tightened his iron-strong hold. Wriggling and squirming, I kicked out and elbowed everywhere. Despite the fact I was quite small compared to the man, I was strong enough.

Managing to get a little loose on the attacker, I jumped out of the his restraint. Hearing him grunt with frustration Why me? Why bother coming after me? When I took my steps back, I looked at the creature in front of me. There was a taste of iron pooling in my mouth and I realised my lip was bleeding. Bringing a sleeve up to my mouth to wipe it away, I turned to run out of the laneway. The man was probably just a gang member looking for a fight, or some money.

"Come back here you little - " He cut himself off as he lunged forward at me again, slamming me against the laneways tall walls. It was dark in here, because different rags and thick covers lined over across the two walls, successfully masking out the sun. A few beams still streamed through, but it wasn't a lot.

"What are you doing in here" Came a growl again, once he victoriously pinned me against the wall. The man had bright amber eyes, but a mangled face most likely from street fighting. His body was scattered with different inks and designs. He had old clothes similar to my own, but they were still much more expensive.

"I need to- " He didn't let me finish because he shook me again violently. I did try my best to be quite as possible, because it was common knowledge that making as little noise made you seem stronger. I felt him loosen the grip on me slightly, realising I definitely was not a threat.

"If we see you wandering through our roads, you're gonna wish you didn't live at all." He shoved me back, and my head smacked into the crumbly wall. I let out a little groan when he released me and I slid to the ground. I didn't know if I could go to the farm now, I didn't have much strength after that. Even if I was beaten to the point of almost death, the other herders couldn't give a damn. They hardly cared about my existence and if I was to show up late they wouldn't even bat an eyelid when getting rid of me. The man looked down at me, a guilty look on his face.

"Just don't come through here again.."

Inhaling a few breathes, I fumbled myself to my feet. I wiped the powdery dirt from my clothes, trying not to limp as I walked. The man who'd attacked me had already begun to leave, and I saw him turn to the corner at the end of the laneway. It was so fast, I just couldn't believe anything that had happened over the past few minutes. It took a few second for my brain to compute every little thing. I sustained a few bruises, but nothing incredible.

My mind told me how stupid I was for repeatedly coming through these alleyways and not expecting a punishment like that. One thing I knew for certain was I was not coming through here again. Going the long way was not something I really wanted to do, but now it was necessary. Knowing I would have to get up earlier annoyed me, but it wasn't going to be impossible.

Continuing the trek to the farm, I ignored my surroundings. It was warming up quickly as the sun slowly rose, and villagers were coming out of their decaying homes and out in the market. Shouts and barters from there could already be heard, even at this early time. Bakers usually liked to get their products out early, and Nerf farmers like my boss came to sell later - around midday. People who sold more furniture and home-made items came out to the markets early as well, hoping to get the best stalls to sell in. It was a very tough business, and not something I wanted to get involved in either.

The rest of the walk after the attack I thought little, just letting my mind drift away slowly as a kept going. Soon enough, the toxic fumes and loud noises of the towns were behind me, and I was introduced to the more familiar smell of the pungent Nerf. Nerfs had shaggy manes of chestnut fur, and dangerous curved horns. Their hair were easily tangled, and I was normally tasked with brushing the foul-smelling creature. They were quite disgusting, but their meat was completely different. I had only had little scraps every so often, but it was one of the galaxy's most profitable meats.

I trailed up the pathway which led off from the towns walkway. There was a sloping green hills, completely unlike the rest of the desert-like planet. Having the Nerf farm here had made the owners very wealthy so they could afford to water their land plentifully. My footsteps crunched on the crumbly gravel-like surface. On either side of the pathway their was tall fence which protected the Nerfs, and kept them from escaping.

I went to sign myself in at the reception, which was a mere decrepit and uncared-for shack. It was run by a receptionist who was an old woman who had seemed to work their for centuries. Her name was Amira, and she had introduced me to the job. Amira was the only one who cared for me when I was little. She was the only one who gave me hope. I pitied her life more then my own, because at least I was still young and had a slight chance. Amira had lived her whole life on this large farm. If I thought I was completely worthless, I just had to look to her to feel that little bit more confident. She could be nice, but there was times when I was on her bad side and I thought I was never going to see the light of day again.

"You're late." She croaked, her voice showing her old age even more. Her fraying hair was pulled back into a tight bun, revealing more wrinkles on her forehead then I would like to have seen.

"I'm sorry, I had trouble back in the laneways getting here." She must of recognised the utter desperation in my voice, so she heaved a heavy sigh and allowed me to sign in.

"Very well.." She said slowly. "But if you are even a minute let ever again I will not hesitate to tell someone."

Feeling relieved as I walked towards the field, combs in hand, preparing myself mentally to having to deal with the stench of a Nerf. There was another strange feeling in me, which was not recognisable. The emotion only lasted a moment, a disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. It was similar to the sinking feeling of being watched. It was only a minuscule, so I simply shrugged it off and continued to the field. It was barely after sunrise and I had already felt so exhausted with all the walking. At least I knew my feet were soon going to have a break, but my arms definitely would not, because I had been charged with grooming the Nerfs.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2018 ⏰

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