Chapter 36: The Hound Of Baskerville: Seriously?

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Dad, John and I drove to Baskerville and got past the gates and inside the base. Guy's in army uniforms were walking around the place.

"I need to see Major Barry Moore," Dad told us.

"Okay," John responded.

"See if you can find the hound," Dad elaborated.

"Let's go," I said and went to walk off with John.

Dad grabbed the back of my jumper and pulled me back. "John is perfectly capable of going alone," He told me.

I pouted. "I wanted to go on an adventure!" I mumbled.

Dad and I walked through the corridors to Barry Moores office.

"Why did I have to come with you?" I asked.

"I need your assistance," He told me as we approached Barry Moors office.

"Wait here," Dad told me... THEN LEFT ME!

Right so he want's my help one minute the the next he ditches me? Nice, really nice!

----------- ( SHORT TIME SKIP) -----------

After around 5 Minutes Dad walked back out the office, grabbed my hand and dragged me down the corridor.

"Er, where are we going?" I asked.

"We are going to do an experiment," He told me with a smile.


We walked for a couple more minutes until got to the control room. Switches and CCTV screens were out in front of us and on one of the screens was John!

"Okay what are we doing?" I asked.

"I have a theory that we've been drugged," Dad stated. "Last night, Henry, you and I say the hound but Henry and I weren't anywhere near you so, how could all of us have seen it?"

"Okay so if we were drugged what about John?" I asked.

"We must have eaten, smelt or drank something different to John," Dad explained.

Dad wen't over the the computer and pressed a few buttons. The lights in the room where John was going in were suddenly turned on then off again. John continued to walk into a room full of covered cages, he pulled the sheet of one to reveal a monkey that must have made a noise, causing him to jump in freight.

"Brooke come here and hold the mic," Dad told me. I sat next to him and held the mic. "Growl into the mic and make it sound like an animal."

I gave him an 'Are freaking serious' look. "Seriously? You want me to growl into a mic?" I asked.

"Just do it," He told me.

I started to growl into the mic; I felt like a right idiot.

I watched the CCTV and saw John run to door.

Dad pressed a few buttons and locked the door completely. "Keep going," Dad told me.

I rolled my eyes and continued to growl. He's enjoying this!

I continued to watch the CCTV footage, John ran into one of the cages and shut himself in then covered it.

Suddenly Dad's phone went off. He answered and held it to his ear.

"Where are you?... John? John?... Alright we'll find you," Dad said into the phone.

I couldn't hear what John was saying! Dad got up out of his chair and left the room. I put the mic down and followed him down the corridor.

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