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Hello guys this is a my next chapter enjoy....

Today is my first day at this dreaded school.  This sucks l hate going to a new school. " Please don't kill today Stella." Jessica pleaded , I smirked," No promises remember." She started with her puppy face,"Look I am making no promises 'cause i can't promise you anything ."

  We got on the bus and walked in . I sat next to a girl with a red mask. " Hello I am Broken. Daughter of Eyeless Jack. "

 " Stella The Killer. Daughter of Jeff The Killer." I let out my had so I can shake hers." Welcome to the high way to hell! " She said.

      " Anyways tell me about your self what made your  dad bring you to this school ?" I sighed .

       " I killed 12 guys in the past month . " I had a " What ever I don't care" expression on my face          " So tell me your life story ? "I asked

"Well I have to wear a mask like my dad. I have known Ticci Toby i was since born. I have long straight black hair I used to have eyes but I wanted to be exactly like my dad so I gouged them out I am pale, I like Black Veil Brides, Three Days GraceFalling In Reverse, and Sleeping With Sirens. I have a huge crush on Toby even though we are just best friends .

 " Ticci Toby? Oh my gosh he alway talks about you , He says that when you we born you were the most beautiful baby he has ever seen." She started to blush. I smiled. " Anyways were are at the school see yah later Stell!" She said .

" Yeah see yah!"  I replied,

 I got to first period and she was sitting dow

  in the way back. I deciided to sit next to her." Bad move . Thomas Offenderman sits there. " She said. "  I still sat there anyways. The door opened and a boy who looked kinda like slendy but with a mouth walked in. " Hey sir I am here , " He smirked and then as he laid his eyes on me his smirk was gone. Man that hurt.

             Hse walked right up to me . " You are sitting in my seat, " He said, I rolled my eyes and  played with my knife. " Ms. Killer .  Please seat some were else we have assighed seats." I flung my knife right at the wall. nearly hitting the teacher. I walked up and grabbed my knife.  " Go .To . Bed." I siad.I smirked then walked out of the room ,  I walked to one room feeling followed , It felt un comfertable. I walked into the girls bathroom and  hid in there.  Once the bell rang I walked to my next class.

     Again I saw the guy again who I assume it was Thomas.   He walked up to me and dragged me to another room were it was dark. No light just one light bulb that was about to go out. He soon clapped and the lights truned on. It was a whole diffrent room. He pined me to the wall and stripped me down. He was also stripped down.  His body was pale white.  He forced a kiss on my lips . I tried to reject it but i felt week in the stomach. He forced his tounge into my mouth. He then laid me on to the floor .

* Skipp*

         I put my clothes back on and so did he. I couldn't believe I lost  it to an offender. I couldn't believe I even lost it.  We walked into the school it was only still the middle of our second period.  I walked in crying and then I sat down. I had my knife in my hand. I could have used it but I didn't  were it was.  The teacher walked up to me and then asked me if I was okay.  I shook my head and then walked out.. I ran to  Slendy's office. I ran up and huged him.  " I want  to go home ." I pleaded." What  is wrong child?" He asked " I was rapped in the school by Thoma s Offenderman."  He huged me .

         " I will talk to him you go have a little jucie or something."  I walked  to the minni fridge and got out a grape juice box. Thomas walked into the room and gave me a smirk.  Slendy was still mad. Before he was able to say anything Thomas answered, "  I am going to marry her , I already marked her." He said.  I cocked my head to the right . Marked me ?  " I know you are confused but I marked you. " He rolled up my sleve and a Rose was on my forearm.

        " At first i just wanted to maou  you but then i got carried away. I have  a felling that in a few hours you will relize you are pregnant with my child . "  He said. 

" Slendy." He sighed.  " You are pregnant and you will give birth in 3 days , " He said.

" WHAT THE HELL I AM GOING TO BE A MOM!!! I AM ONLY 17 !"  I felt my stomach grow bigger. Soon enough I was really big. "What the hell is  going on with my body!" 


I woke up and cheeked my stomach. It was normal. I sighed and wiped off the sweat. I got up and walked to the kitchen. I saw that guy from my dream . That guy... Thomas Offenderman." Hello babe made you and the boys some brefeast. I screamed  so loud I had no Idea what haqppend.

 I shook my head and pinched my self. There were two baby boys sitting in high chairs."

        " NO this cannot be real!" I ran up to my room and saw pictures of my wedding. How I can tell well it was me in a wedding dress. I ran down stairs and then looked at Thomas . " Explain to me what had happen!"

        " You don't remember do you?" He sighed," That's what you get for being out for 6 hours.  Anyways you and I are married you gave birth to 3 beautiful  children one is with Jessica and the boys are right here. Tristan,  Zeke , and our beautiful little girl, Daisy. "

        " Anyways after this were heading to school.  Dad will take care of the kids."

" My dad?" He nodded.  I sighed in relief . I walked upstairs and got ready for school.I looked around for my "Lucky" knife. I soon found it. 

 Later today Thomas, Jessica,  and Broken all ate lunch together.Thomas kept an eye on me makeing sure no guys got to me . He really was something.

    Now my life feels fucked up.

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