🌸 Vanilla Bean Extra Caramel 🌸

Start from the beginning

To The Shade Room: He smiled at me & he gave me a free Vanilla Bean...

Hina Bear🐻: 😳😱 really?!

Temari😅: 😐😑😐

Ino👯: Bitch, give him your number! He was flirting!

Tenten🏃🏾‍♀️: I agree with Ino 😅

Sakura chewed on her lip before quickly taking a picture of Sasuke and sending it to the group.

Ino quickly replied with a Squidward gif.


Ino👯: OhMahGaaahd hes haaaaaaaaht 😫💦😍

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Ino👯: OhMahGaaahd hes haaaaaaaaht 😫💦😍

Tenten🏃🏾‍♀️: Plz get his number. He has hot friends. I can feel it in my soul😩

Temari😅: You NEVER have to be THAT thirsty 😂😂

Kauri😻: 👀 Check zaddy out 👅💦

Temari😅: pull yourself together Kauri!

Kauri😻: Lmao im all late😂

Hinata: I honestly live for Kauri 😂👌🏾

Kauri😻: 😘❤️

"Sakura." She heard her name being called and quickly looked up. The raven boy was holding her frap in his hands. Sakura walked over to take it from him. Their hands touched caused them to blush at eachother.

"Thanks again, Sasuke." She says softly. He cleared his throat.

"Don't mention it." He smirked at her. "You're a regular; it's only right I do that."

He wanted to keep her there longer.   He wanted to talk to her longer. He wanted so much to just reach out and touch her. He looked at the time. This was his chance, now or never.

"I uh, actually was about to go on lunch." He says again. "W-would you mind coming with me?"

Sakura shook her head. "Oh I couldn't dressed like this." She motioned towards the stretch shorts she was wearing and her sports bra. Sasuke looked over her body and stopped shortly at her toned abs. He tried to contain himself from biting his lip. This girl was beautiful and she didnt even know it.

"I'm in uniform." He reasons. "It shouldn't be a problem."

"Well, okay then." Sakura avoided his gaze as her cheeks became a slight shade of pink.

The raven removed his hat and apron and walked from behind the counter. He was much taller than Sakura as she looked him over. His pale complexion, the luster of his raven hair. His pearly white teeth and million dollar smile. His broad shoulders and built physique. Sakura couldn't stop herself from staring at the man even if she wanted to.

Sasuke looked back at Kiba who was currently taking over the Raven's place. The brunette looked up and smiled giving his friend a thumbs up.

Kiba was proud of his shy friend. He constantly told Kiba about the pink haired girl who'd always come around this time and order the same thing. It never failed. Kiba encouraged his long time friend to talk to the girl but everytime the time came, Sasuke would get nervous and miss his chance to talk to the girl. Today though, Sasuke was determined that she would know who he was.

In his mind, he was going to talk to the girl with the Vanilla Bean with Extra Caramel; and she would become his..

Together they exited the Starbucks, and entered the first step of their lives; together.

By: WTFUhhNO ❤️

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