The Other Side

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Keith was standing outside the theater, since the show he directed is over. He scanned the crowd of snobby, uptown folk in disgust. They're just so full of themselves! Then, he bows his head in shame when he realizes he is, really, no different than they are. He sighs and lifts his head back up, trying to convince himself he is truly happy the way he is. The truth is, Keith is happy, to some degree. He's content. He knows he is lucky to be a part of a rich family, and he knows that many people have it much, much worse than him, but he still feels as if it's not enough. He hates that he feels this way, so he buries his feelings away, enjoying life to his best abilities. Alas, he always feels....trapped, bored, like he is going through the motions, but not with any passion. Keith has dreamed of running off to pursue his own dream, but he's scared. Scared of the unknown challenges,  scared of the judgement, scared of being scorned, scared of being laughed at, scared to end up at rock bottom, again. How could a person like me learn to fight? It's just not possible. Why risking everything I worked for just for one, measly thing, that will probably be a fluke? Keith's eyes gaze over, his mind lost in his thoughts.

Shiro scans the crowd, looking for the famed Keith Kogane. The man who can help him achieve his dream, the one who knows what will draw the rich in, the money-maker. Shiro is so close to his dream, or perhaps he is already there. But there is one problem, not everyone is enjoying his show, or a more accurate way to phrase that is, the rich people aren't enjoying the show. Luckily, there is one man who Shiro trusts enough to save his circus, Keith.

Shiro spots Keith leaning against a railing, deep in thought. Shiro calls out to him, "Keith! Keith Kogane!"

Keith looks around to find the source of the voice who called him out. He finds Shiro standing a little ways away. "Shiro. Hey, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah. Sorry I left you in the orphanage." Shiro gives Keith a guilty, yet sincere, smile.

"It's fine. A rich couple adopted me, so it turned out alright."

"That's good to hear. You have made quite the name."

A wavering smile appeared on Keith's face, "As have you. sounds interesting," Keith admits.

Shiro smiles, happy his circus is famous, "That's actually what I want to talk to you about."

Keith's face turns sour with disgust, "No thanks." With that, he whips around and marches off toward a bar, feeling slightly guilty, but not enough to lose his pride and turn back.

Shiro's face falls, but it's quickly replaced with a determined look. He follows Keith into the bar.


Keith walks into the deserted bar, glad no one is there. He immediately comforted by the familiarity of it.  He plops down onto one of the stools by the counter. "Hey Dakin."

Dakin smiles as he whips a glass clean, "Hi Keith. What would you like? The usual?"

Keith opens his mouth, about to reply, when he hears the door open. He turn his head, and rolls his eyes when he sees Shiro walk in. Keith turns back to Dakin, "Yeah, the usual."

((A/N: Uh.. I don't know my alcohol drinks at all, because I can't drink and my parents don't drink. So.... it's just going to be whiskey or beer or 'the usual' whatever that is)

Dakin offers me a smile before turning around to get a shot of whiskey. Keith looks to see Dakin carrying two shots of whiskey. Keith furrows his brows in slight confusion. Dakin hands Keith and Shiro each a shot. Keith rolls his eyes as he and Shiro down their shot in unison. Here we go.... Keith thinks.

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