
When we were ready we got out of the house and locked it. We went to sebastians black Lamborghini that he bought with the money he stoled obviously. When we got on, we drove to my old school. When we got there students were out. Sebastian parked the car and turned it off. We got out and i think people recognize me because they started to shake and back away from us.

"Omg its him!?"

"What is he doing back here!?"

"Why isn't he in jail!?"

As i kept on walking, ignoring those comments. When we were inside we entered the office were a lady was behind the computer.

"Yes in what can i-"

She stoped when she spotted me, her eyes widened and she started to shake.

"Y-you're back! W-what are you doing here!?"

"Listen lady, im just here to pick up my grades so i can go to another school. So if you can nicely give me my damn grades that will be fun-fucking-tastic!"

She nodded as she tipped something on the computer and printed out what looks like my grades. She then gave me my papers as i grabbed them from her. We headed out of the school seeing everyone still staring.

"Wasn't that a little harsh"

"No, she always hated me"


With that we got inside the Lamborghini and drove off to maria high. When we were there the student were outside. I think we came right on time for their lunch break. They sare at the car as we parked it in front of the school. We got out and start walking. But then stoped when we heard a police car, we turn around and saw two police officers get out.

"What dou you guys want?"

"Didn't you heard what the judge said, we need to keep an eye on him!"

"Piss off!"

We started walking again, the officers behind us. When we entered the office of the school we were greeted by a small lady with blond hair and black eyes.

"Yes, can i help you?"

"Yes i want to know if you can accept him here"

"Well of course! What's your name sweety!"

"E-eren Jaeger"

I saw her eyes widened.

"Oh...um can i see your parents"


"And the reason why i can't?"

"My mother's dead my father is in prison"

"Oh..then who is he?"

"He was just my cell partner and now were roommates"

"Ok? Do you have your grades?"

I nodded and hand her my grades, she looked at them and her eyes widened.

"Wow, well it'll be a pleasure to have you here eren! Your grades are very good!"

"T-thank you!"

"By any chance you can let two officers inside?"


"Oh because two officers are watching me 24/7. Just to make sure i don't kill someone else, you know what i mean?"

"Ah well then yes, i just have to make a meeting with the teachers and we talk things out. Ok?"

"Yes that will be nice thank you!"

"You start tomorrow! The dress code is you can ware anything that is not so short. But what your wearing its perfect!"

"O-ok thank you!"

"Have a nice day!"

When we headed out my eyes cought something or someone. I looked away not wanting to remember HER. We got inside the car and drive off.

"Hey eren who was that?"


"That girl, she was staring at you with tears in her eyes"

"I don't know and i don't care"

He just shook his head and kept on driving.

"Pretty cool that they let you stay at their school, even tho you were in jail and you killed someone!"

"Wow you don't have to rub it on my face, i know what i did!"

"Hey im just saying! At least you can finish you school years and get a job and maybe get a boyfriend!"

"I doubt the boyfriend thing"

"Eh? Why?"

"Cuz you act like a very overprotective brother"

"No i don't!"

"Yes you do! You literally almost killed a prisoner in jail because he was flirting with me!?!"

"Well i just-"

"You what!you tried to protect me, that sounds like what an overprotective brother would say!"

"Ok fine, if you get a boyfriend I'll make sure he lives a living hell!"

I let out a chuckle as i stared out of the window. New school, maybe i can make friends, that will be nice.
Hope you enjoyed it❤
Word count:1162

the boy with two personalities ((ereri))Where stories live. Discover now