The next morning I asked him what his nightmare had been about; who he was pleading with to not do something, and what it was. He answered vaguely again, like he had when I asked about his scars, and I realized they might be related. I hoped that some day he would feel safe enough to tell me. I lowered my eyes, blushing, and asked him if he remembered anything about what had happened. He thought for a moment, then smiled crookedly.

"I remember a sweet voice telling me everything was ok, and she was with me," he looked at me with a shuttered expression, but I could see the tenderness hiding beneath. His gaze grew heated as he continued. "Then I remember something delectable so close I could taste it." His hand, seemingly idly, came up to caress my breast. "I seem to remember something else particularly wonderful happening, but you might have to refresh my memory." He captured my other nipple with his mouth, and I moaned. "Yes, I remember that sound," he murmured.

He repeated his actions from the middle of the night, much to my delight.  He was gentler, and took his time, and when he lay entwined with me afterward he did not repeat the words he had said during the night. We lay caressing each other, enjoying the afterglow. My head was on his chest, and I listened to the steady beat of his heart, feeling his warmth against my cheek.  After a few minutes, I looked at him and started speaking softly.

"I told you last night, and I meant it, that I will never leave you, Guy. I may not yet feel what you want me too, but I am happy with you, and I keep my promises. When we were wed I promised to stay with you always. Some day I hope to be able to tell you what you want to hear, but I hope this is enough for now." He held me tighter, sighing softly.

"It is more than I had hoped for, Marian, that you would feel this way about me so fast. Not only did I think you might leave me at the altar, I also feared that you would use our marriage to help Hood. Your willingness to be my wife is almost as wonderful as your saying those words would be." He lifted his head and kissed me tenderly, gently urging my lips open so he could explore my mouth thoroughly. Despite the softness of the kiss, I was breathing heavily by the time he pulled away. "It is raining today," he observed huskily. "I believe we will have to stay in bed all day." He gave me a heated look, and my heart sped up at his meaning.

We did spend most of the day in bed; him only leaving a few times to get food when we realized how hungry we were. We fed each other bread and cheese, sometimes laughing at a missed connection between our mouths and the food, other times kissing each other's fingers sensuously.  In the mid-afternoon, we took a bath together, taking full advantage of the large tub and the steaming water to do more than just wash each other. When we were spent, we relaxed until the water was cold, and we had to warm each other back up in the bed.

At first I had been a bit embarrassed around his servants, but they studiously avoided any look or mention of our activities, and I began to relax. I even started feeling more comfortable giving them orders, as Lady Gisborne, and they started reacting to my kindness. I felt that if I started taking over the running of the house I could shield them from Guy's temper, but I had also started noticing that his temper wasn't so close to the surface any longer.  He was even...playful with me -- another side I wasn't used to.  There were also a lot of times I would suddenly feel his arms come around me from behind, and soft kisses on my neck.  At first I was surprised, but I became more used to it and melted into his embrace.

He was not just more gentle with me than I had expected -- he was more patient with everyone. It was as if our wedding had eased his tension, and that by becoming his wife I had settled something within him. What I realized later was that I was the first person to believe in him; to accept him, but also to push him to be better. I wasn't consciously pushing him, but my belief in him pushed him to strive to earn that belief; to be worthy of me. And I was a much better person to strive to be worthy of than the Sheriff.

Guy And Marian RetoldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant