Where It Begins...

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There was nowhere else for them, they insisted on creating a place for them. A safe-haven for his sons and others with unique abilities, but where? A soft knock interrupted his thoughts as his youngest entered.

"What are you doing?"

"Why Brandon, what a pleasure! What else would I be doing in my office, son?"

"Working on that secret project of yours. I won't be but a moment, I wished to ask you for a Petrie disk or two. I have a hypothesis and wish to test it out."

He rose from his chair moving to the cabinet along the side of the room; enjoying his son's fascination not just with sciences but languages as different ones slipped through.



"Your office always smells of sandalwood and gum." He turned from his notes to look up at the man he called father and smiled. "A hint of cinnamon, am I right?"

"That you are. That you are."

"Thanks dad." Petrie dish in hand, he walked to the door. "Oh, if you plan to build something to protect those like Knight and yourself, you may wish to create a second branch to cover conspicuous actions of the company. I'd suggest a Non-profit Organization dedicated to giving back to the community."

"Ah, Brady?"

"Yeah, dad." The thought brought a grin to his face as the boy glanced up from his studies. Brady understood Max was not his biological father, but that didn't stop him from calling him dad and it made him swell with pride of the son they adopted.

"What's your hypothesis?"

"Well, it's more of a comparison study. I wanted to compare my blood with Knight's and combine a small sample to see the reaction. With his blood, I hypothesis it will, in time overtake mine leaving nothing behind, since I have the weaker human blood."

"Hmmm, care to share your results when your study is complete? I'm curious what you discover."

"Sure, dad. I gotta go, time for school."

"See you later, son."

He sat back at his desk, knowing Brady was careful. He understood the consequences should any of his tests be brought to the public eye and that most evidence was locked away or destroyed for the protection of the family. His sons got along so well it was as if they were best friends and not stepbrothers. It still amazed him to think on it.

His thoughts returned to their discussion and how Brady discovered the project he was creating. He lifted the phone, dialing his wife and partner to relay the information for her to think on. He hoped his boy kept his composure when he found out he may not be as the Campton family, but he was no human either.

She answered on the third ring, "Hey, dear."

"Good Morning love, how's work at the office today?"

"Boring, once we get ours up and running I'll be happier to spend the day in my own building instead of someone else's."

"Speaking of that, Brady came to visit me a moment ago."

"Oh, what did he want?"

"A Petrie dish for anther small comparison project he's working on."

"Is that why you are calling? To relay that our son is at it again with his testing kit?"

"On the contrary, I believe you are correct in your assumption that Brady has his own talent."

The tapping on the other line stopped as he gained her full attention."What did he do?"

"He gave me a suggestion."

"Maximus, if this is one of your jokes..."

"No joke. I walked across the room to get a Petrie dish for him and he commented on the smell of sandalwood and cinnamon. Then told me that if we insisted on building a safe-haven for Knight and others like him, we might consider a Non-profit Organization. One designated to giving back to the community to cover conspicuous activities, which I find brilliant."

"That's because it is and I have the perfect idea. We'll discuss this more when I get home, boss is coming. Call Jynx, he can help. Love you."

"I love you too." He hung up and returned to work on his secret project wondering what his young son possessed within him.

His fingers grazed the screen as he dialed the number for the young man so similar to his older son he considered him a part of his family. He answered on the fourth ring.

"Yeah, what do you need, Max."

"I've got a business proposition for you. You are one of my best men and I want you in on this. Choose who you wish to accompany you, bring the Manzerell brothers."

"What kind of business proposition?"

"One, if all goes as planned, will be quite lucrative for those involved and provide the protection and training for those like ourselves."

"I'm interested, but why me?"

"I understand your age may put a damper on things, but we consider you a part of our family. Though my sons no nothing of this venture, at least not full details, we wish you to be a part of it. You understand more than most how hard it is to deal with what's within. If at all possible, we will have the resources to save your brother from the destructive path he is on. Any news on his condition?"

"Still struggling, but I'm optimistic. I believe we can pull through this." A struggled growl came through the phone. "Listen, I've got to go. What time do you wish to meet and location?"

"Here, in an hour? If you think you can make it if not we can Skype. Whatever works best."

"Thanks, Max. I'll pass on the information to the boys. See you in an hour."

"Take care, Jynx."

He hung up the phone and reviewed what he gathered of Jynx's position. His brother was struggling and if they failed to find a solution, his brother may not make it through this ordeal. That was the reason Conquer Enterprise and Security was within reach. His wife refused stand to watch Others suffer the ridicule of humans nor what lives within them.

The sound of his son's talking caught his attention, Knight was leaving early for a class and Brandon will follow after getting his things together. He thought to ask if he wanted a ride, but understood Brandon enjoyed the walk to offer time to ponder. He let it go and prepared for the meeting he scheduled with his new employees/partners. 

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