" goodie two shoes "

Start from the beginning

"Mom.. I want to go live with dad." I said quietly.

"Savannah, if that's what you want to do, it's completely okay with me. I'm so sorry I was so blind to see everything he was doing to you. If I would've known, I would've divorced him and kicked him out." She sobbed.

"Don't beat yourself up about this." I shook my head. "I feel better now that you and dad know and I won't have to go through it anymore. When I leave, please don't beat yourself up about this." I sighed.

"I can only try Savannah." She wiped her face with the back of her hand. "Sean, if you're going to now have Savannah in your custody, I need to know where you'll be staying."

"Well, I have business to handle down here for a couple months so, if we go anywhere else, I'll let you know." He said, rubbing his knuckles.

"Make sure you call me everyday and come by every now and then lovebug." She said, forcing a smile on her face.

I nodded and she sat down in one of the chairs by the door, with her head in her hands. Me leaving her, was something that was gonna be hard for her to deal with. I glanced at her before running up the stairs to my room. I threw all of my belongings into suitcases and went back downstairs with them. I gave mom one last hug and then carried my things out to dad's car. Once everything was loaded in, dad drove 30 minutes to a big, white house at the end of the street. He pulled into the large garage and turned off the car, leaving me to stare in awe. The house was gorgeous, and the cars inside the garage were even more gorgeous.

Dad was the head of a large law firm now from what he told me on the way here. Back when I was younger, he was just an assistant at the law firm. Now, he was the head of everything. We went inside and he showed me up the stairs to a spare room.

"This will have to do until I can get the decorators down here to do a room for you. My wife and daughter will be home soon. Oh, you're gonna love them Savannah." He said with a smile.

"It feels good, you know, seeing you again. Even though you hurt me, I've forgiven you and now, we can grow even closer." I said to him.

"We'll go out tonight, as a family." He grinned. "Just like old times."

He hugged me before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him. I sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled out my phone
and called Zoey. When he answered, I told him to come and meet me. After telling him the address, I put my phone in the pocket and jogged down the stairs and out the front door. I sat down on the marble stairs and waited patiently for Zoey. About 15 minutes later, his Jeep pulled up in front of the house. I smiled and got up, walking over to the car and getting in. He pecked my lips and then playfully kissed my cheek.

"I missed you." He grabbed my hand and held it.

"I missed you too." I intertwined our fingers. "But listen, I'm gonna be staying here now."

"Who's house is this? Another family member or something?" He raised an eyebrow.

"My dad's. We met up today and I told him about everything that's going on with my stepdad. I told my mom that I wanted to live with him now." I explained to him.

"Savannah, is your stepdad doing more to you than just grabbing you?" He looked down at me.

"Well, for the past 4 months he's been touching me and I told my dad. But I don't have to worry about that anymore, I'm safe here with my dad." I laid on his shoulder.

"Damn that's messed up." He sighed. "I feel bad for fucking with you when you was going through all this shit. I really do apologize for that."

"It's alright Zoey, it really is." I reassured him. "I forgive you."

We sat there in silence for a few minutes until Zoey pulled out a hookah pen, this one being a different flavor. He looked over at
me, and then smirked, handing it to me. I playfully rolled my eyes at him and took it, inhaling and then blowing out a big O. His eyes widened in shock and I smirked back at him.

"Where you learn that from?" He asked.

"Noooo where." I said in a sing-songy voice.

"I'm surprised you even doing this shit right now." He chuckled. "Since you a goodie two shoes and all."

"I am not!" I denied, blowing another O out.

"Yes you are. I remember in 9th grade when you snitched on us for putting that rat in Mr. Ransoms desk." He said while pulling his phone out.

"I didn't want to get in trouble!" I groaned. "Y'all played too much anyway."

"Mm, ya ass was always snitching on us. We couldn't do shit around you. Just admit, you're a goodie two sho--."

I cut him off by smashing my lips on his. I straddled his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and rolled it over his, making him grip my waist tighter. In the middle of our kiss, he gripped my waist and started making my hips slowly move against his. I whimpered some into his mouth and dug my nails into his shoulder. He pulled his lips away from mine and softly kissed the side of my neck, causing me moan quietly into his ear. He stopped and I pecked his lips once more before plastering a smirk on my face.

"Am I still a goodie two shoes?" I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, nodding in satisfaction, watching him shake his head slowly.

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