“And where have I been during all this planning?” I questioned. Lisa chuckled and crossed her arms.

            “Having meltdowns. Now remember what I said, pull yourself together because I’m pretty sure that’s your husband’s feet I hear running up the stairs. You’ll be fine, I promise.” Lisa gave me a reassuring smile before the door was thrown open.

            “Sutton? Sutton!” Evan called, looking around wildly before spotting me seated on the bed. “Are you ok? What’s wrong? Paige came down and told me I needed to talk to you.”

            “I’m fine babe, I promise.” Even under the circumstances, I couldn’t help but laugh at his overprotectiveness as he ran his hands over my body to ensure I was ok.

            “Then what’s going on?” His simple question had my heart thudding quickly.

            “So I’ll see you guys later.” Lisa winked at me before skipping out of the room. She called her own mate as she left the room. “Spencer!”

            “Will you please tell me what’s going on? You look nervous and fearful and your heart is racing.” Evan frowned at me, worry edging in his voice.

            “Maybe you should take a seat.” I murmured as I stood. He took my previous seat on the bed but kept his hands intertwined within his. “I know we’ve never talked about this but how do you feel about having a family?”

            It was silent for a moment.

            And then it wasn’t.

            “That’s what this whole thing was for? You want my opinion on kids?” Evan said between his loud laughter.

            “Uhh, kind of.” I stuttered nervously, twisting my hands.

            “Sutton, of course I want kids with you.” He did? Then he’ll be happy with my news. I let out a breath and opened my mouth to tell him.

            Just as he opened his mouth and continued.

            “Just not at the moment.”

            In doing so, he completely diminished any happiness I was feeling at the moment.

            I turned away quickly so he wouldn’t see my face crumple. I so badly wanted to curl up and cry right now. He wanted kids just not right now. Well that’s just great because I’m pregnant with a child he doesn’t want! My hand pressed to my stomach as I tried to keep my composure. I wouldn’t cry in front of Evan because then he would feel guilty which would make him feel obligated to say he wanted this baby even though he clearly didn’t.

            “Sutton? Are you ok?” Evan asked, trying to turn me to look at him.

            “Mhm.” I managed to get out, taking a few steps away from him. I never thought the say would come when my own mate would cause me pain but his words unconsciously tore a gash in my heart.

            “I know when you’re telling a lie and you baby, you right now are being dishonest.” Evan placed his hand on my shoulder but I once again moved away from him. “I can feel a strong sense of distress coming from our bond right now. What’s wrong Sutton? Please tell me.”

            “I just…” I trailed off, unable to continue. Words failed me as I had no idea what to say.

            “Tell me.” Evan pleaded. I winced at the anguish in his voice. I suppose I had to tell him now because he would figure it out when I started to show. Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to utter the words he most likely didn’t want to hear.

I'm Sorry, Who's Your Mate?Where stories live. Discover now