Jealous Mess

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After about 12 minutes Jeanette finally gathered everyone together for her and Adam's announcement.

"Okay so, we got a call from one of our close friends in LA and she explained to me that there is audition for a hip hop dancer to go on tour with the one and only, Iggy!" She cooed.

When she said that I could've died!

I love Iggy so much and to be able to go on tour with her would just be, amazing.

Adam said a few other things but I was not paying any attention.

I still can't believe that there could be a chance of me, going on tour with Iggy.

I turned to Cameron and wrapped my arms around him and quickly pulled away.

"Can you believe it?! This could jump start one of our careers!"

I grinned.

"Yeah!" Cameron sighed.

"What's wrong!" I frowned.

"It's just, Vinny." He groaned.

"What about Vinny?"

"I feel like he's stealing you from me!" He sighed.

"Cameron!" I groaned.

"What, I'm not allowed to be jealous!" He scoffed.

"You can be, but it's annoying when your jealous with ever guy I talk to!" I rolled my eyes.

"You know what I'm sorry that I'm scared to lose you!"

He snapped.

"Cameron!" I yelled quickly lowering my voice,

"Can we please not make an argument out of this?!"

I whined.

"Look, I just think it'll be better for both of us if you would just stop talking to Vinny!"

He groaned.

"Excuse me, but I hang out with Vinny as much as I hang out with any other guy."

I said defensively.

"Oh please, you even said he was one of your closest friends!"

He defended.

"He was, but ever since-"

"Ever since what?! Ever since we started dating?!" He scoffed.

"No! Ever since you started acting like this jealous mess!"

I exclaimed.

"You know what, let's not even argue!"

He scoffed.

"You're right!"

I said turning on my heels walking out the door.

"Where are you going?!"

He groaned.

"I'm going to my friends!"

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm serious Tori, I don't want you around him!"

He yelled.

"Well, I guess you're not gonna get what you want 'cause you don't control me!"

I stormed out the studio letting the doors swing behind me.

Hip Hopper ☩ Cameron BoyceWhere stories live. Discover now