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19th july, 2018 5:21 pm
"LISTEN, LUKE, WE'RE not the fucking police. We're not FBI, and we're not CIA. We don't have that kind of authority and we don't hold shit over anyone. What I tell is what I know. Nothing less, and certainly nothing more," Oriana rushes out, "and here's what we know. They're still on that continent, if not in the Netherlands. Insiders have been tracking every movement, every transportation, and we have eyes on every cross border flight. The only suspected youngsters turned out to be Japanese."
"One of those kids is a professional make up artist. If she wanted, I don't think making someone look Japanese would be an issue for her, Ms. Iman."
"There's a huge difference between making someone look Japanese and them actually being Japanese, you dumb cun—"
"Language, Oriana," Luke mutters, leafing through the papers on his desk and scanning his eyes down a specific page that their hacker had managed to swipe from the Korps Nationale Politie's* database.
"Sorry," Oriana mutters, then starts again, "what I meant to say, David, is that barely — four of them, I think? — even have a diploma. There's no way they know Japanese— actually, you know what, I wouldn't put it past them, but the fact here is that those Japanese teenagers were innocent foreign exchange students enjoying the legal Mary Jane in Amsterdam. We should anticipate their next move, not what's already happened. It's obvious that they're going to contact forgers next. I, for a fact, know that they're coming back to the States and they cannot possibly leave Europe without fake passports. Their face is on every goddamn billboard. What we need to do is—"
"David," Luke says, cutting Oriana off midway, "go get Kira."
"But sir, Ms. Iman was—"
David nods, slowly shuffling out of the room and quietly pulling the door closed behind him. As soon as he's gone, Luke turns to look at Oriana with a furious look as he curls his fist on the table, almost snapping the pen in his hand into two.
"Please tell me you noticed the fucking bug in his shirt, Ori."
"Of course I did, it was practically blinking like a laser—"
"— and yet you still decided to continue rambling about our plan? Are you dense?"
"Luke, stop patronising me, you dick. I wasn't about to go spill our entire plan onto him. Do you think I don't know the amount of insiders they have? The only way to them is through their insiders, you do realise that, right?"