Chapter 2. 🌼

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"Yea we were all pretty surprised when we saw you guys. I saw in your eyes how much she meant to you....... I'm sorry Sasuke I-."

"Don't Dobe Hina- she would tell you that it was not ur fault. Just like she would assure me that everything would be ok. Yeat I find my self with 6 boys that are angry and in denial. I know they are angry at themselves they feel like they always needed protect their mother. In her passing away I'm sure they feel like they failed her."

"We can only give them time." They both sighed and while one sat and the other one stood in silence. They both thought the same thing what are they going to do?

Naruto never knew his mother he never felt her warmth. He never heard her voice. He didn't have that luxury.

Sasuke had all that but after his mothers and clans death all he felt was hatred so he didn't dwell on it he was to busy on revenge.

But those kids they knew Hinata they are not driven by anger.

It's different in so many ways. But still o so difficult. They don't know how long they sat in silence each with their own thoughts but they snapped out of it when the door opened. Sasuke saw pink hair and he knew who it was for some reason Sakura had not given up on him and he always avoided her like the plague.

When he and Hinata came back married she was the first to confront them.


He and Hinata had just arrived at the Uchiha compound the home that he had ordered made for them while they had left on a "mission". A total lie for them to get married and go on a honey moon. They did not care about consequences they were in love so they left to be married somewhere else where they could enjoy being married with no interruptions.

"Are you regretting marrying me now.... it's too late you're stuck with me Uchiha" he turned and looked at his lovely wife HIS Wife.

Her long hair was in high ponytail so she could show of her clan crest an Uchiha fan in the back of her lavender robe that she wore.

He turned and tugged her to him making her eyes go wide and her cheeks flush. He smirked and then smiled lovingly at her making her smile big also.

" I think I should be telling YOU that Mrs. Uchiha" he murmured while leaning in to peck her on the lips.

That small peck turned into a full kiss. He felt her hands wrap around his neck and into his hair. He hummed he loved feeling her hands on him but before they could continue. They both felt it a dark aura going towards them.

They both turned and Hinata activated her Byakugan. She sucked in a breath and sighed loudly. Before he could ask, he saw her and in a second she was standing in front of them.

She had tears running down her face, she was red and it contrasted with her pink hair. Her green eyes showed sadness and anger. She was breathing heavily, and her fist were clenched tightly.

"Sasuke I have loved you for ever! Why why did you never give me a chance?!? I've always love you.." her eyes turned angry and she turned to Hinata.

He did not care that she would direct her anger at him but it angered him that she would dare touch HIS Wife.


But Hinata just stayed calm her face soft and she took a deep breath and spoke softly but firmly.

"I know Sakura! But you see Sasuke My Husband has never felt the same. He can never return your feelings Sakura. You have to understand that we truly love each othe-."

"But you love Naruto" Sakura quickly interjected. But Hinata did not flinch and she continued on in her calm,soft, but strong voice.

"I understand now that It was not love I admired him yes. I still do, but it was not love what I feel for Sasuke is so much MORE stronger. It was bad on my part that I did not tell you about my feelings towards him that was wrong on my part. But I am not sorry for falling in love with him."

Sasuke was proud at the woman Hinata had become he did not care about her stuttering before, but he helped her when asked by her for help on getting rid of it. His chest swelled with pride she is an amazing Uchiha Matriarch.

Before Sakura could speak again he interrupted.

"Sakura enough my wife and I are tired from our journey. I would like to show my wife her new home. I have Never showed interest in you and I never will. How many times must I tell and show you. I almost killed you" her eyes watered again and tears fell she smiled at Sasuke

"But you didn't!! Yo-."

"Because Kakashi interjected. I WAS READY to kill you, I would have too if not for interruptions. ENOUGH of this foolishness I will never love you I can hardly stand you with this obsession of yours. If you confront Hinata ever again I will not be responsible for my actions" he felt hinatas hand hold onto his arm and he knew he had to calm down he turned and smiled at Hinata before turning back to Sakura and glaring at her.

"Leave us be Sakura you and I would never have been together. No matter if you were that last woman alive I would rather let the Uchiha clan go extinct than make you my woman." With that he turned and grabbed Hinatas hand and lead her towards their beginning.

Flashback over

"Heyy  Sakura" Naruto said in his usual cheerful voice.

Sasuke did not even turn towards her he only turned and looked out the window.

"I see that you are awake Sasuke"but he did not answer.

" I'm sorry for your loss Sasuke" she said in a fake sad voice.

Sasuke clenched his right fist. He felt his anger return.

"Sakura I think we should leave and let Sasuke rest" Naruto interjected the Hokage was also mad at the way she said it. He was not pleased with his former team mates attitude that came around after Sasuke and Hinatas marriage.

She was bitter everyone knew it. Naruto knew that Sasuke was angry and someone would get hurt if this continued mainly Sasuke he was still grieving even thoe he did not show it.

So he lead Sakura out of the room and they both took different paths. Not even glancing at each other. Leaving the Uchiha to grieve silently.

Welll what do you guys think vote and leave a comment that would help greatly 😃😀😄😁

And now that I'm thinking about this story what do you guys think should I bring Hinata back??

Would that be better or should I keep going with the struggles of not having a mother and wife?? 🤨🤨🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

I kinda think it would be better but at the same time I don't so help would be greatly appreciated because I'm soooooo very confused 🤷🏽‍♀️ I need all the help I can get pretty please with 🍒  on top 🍦🍦🍦. You know again I'm not sure how far I will go with this short story but I'll let you guys know 😍😘🤧🤧🤧

Comment please 🤗🤗🤗🤗

Littlebear 🐻🐻 out ✌🏽✌🏽

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