2 Taemin Squad back in Seoul

Start from the beginning

"The nurse informed me that we could sign out and leave the hospital earlier to avoid more fans from crowding the hospital entrance later on. Seems like news and photos were captured of us coming into the hospital and some fans were waiting outside."

Aish. Another problem with the fans arises. Kai always understood that it was the fans whom played a big part in their idol life's success, but he wished in his heart that the minority of 24/7 stalking fans will at least give them privacy in times like these.

Kai nodded and procceded to wake both Taemin and Jaeoh up. He saw that they were sharing a bed with Jaeoh lying on the shoulder of Taemin.

Kai smiled, finding the scene cute and took a picture of it with his phone. They are already 25 and 22, but they still behaved the same way from when they were young kids.

Kai loves Jaeoh in the same way Taemin does, as a precious little sister ever since they met when Taemin and Kai were in elementary school.

Jimin had already bought some breakfast while the rest started washing up. They dig into their breakfast and shared about the camping fans outside of the hospital.

Taemin sling his arms around Jaeoh when he noticed that Jaeoh look down as they spoke.

"Sorry for all the trouble caused oppas."

Taemin, Kai and Jimin took turns to assure her that everything is ok. Jaeoh smiled a little seeing how her oppas were trying to make her feel better despite the trouble she had caused.

A nurse came into the room and informed them that an ambulance is ready to disguise then and their trip to the airport. She had also added that Taemin's manager had purchased the tickets last night, including for Jaeoh and Jimin.

Taemin felt lucky to have his manager hyung kind enough to help sort such personal things out for him. He made a mental note to thank him when he returns to Seoul.

All of them thanked the nurse and checked out of the hospital. Jaeoh could not walk and had to be on the wheel chair.

Kai and Jimin squabbled for a bit on who gets to push Jaeoh's wheelchair. Jimin ended up winning saying that since his hands are the smallest, he will be the most gentle pushing Jaeoh's wheelchair which caused all of them to burst out laughing.

The trip back to Seoul went smoothly except for a few fans that were camping at the airport for pictures.

Taemin brought Jaeoh home, got her to rest and decided to inform the squad in the group chat.

Kings of Dancers groupchat

Taemin: Guys we are home. I suppose if we want to meet it will be best to gather at my house tonight.

Jimin: Why don't we meet at the BBQ restuarant?

Taemin: You know that Jaeoh can't walk Jimin.

Ravi: I will come with food for all of us, time?

Jimin: Oh right hyung. I will come to your house tonight.

Taemin: How about 7 pm?

Ravi: Alright. Everyone please confirm your attendance so I can get the right amount of food.

Of JaeOh and her 7 Deadly Sins (Kang Daniel + Taemin Squad)Where stories live. Discover now