"She's really sweet." Scotty said from the beanbag right next to me. We always found a way to sit by each other.

"Thank you. I wish I could be."

"You're probably the sweetest person I know." Liza admits while helping David get the pipe ready.

"Matt," I grab his attention before he has the chance to sit, "would you mind opening the window?" He shakes his head and walks over to open the window for me. "Thank you."

"No problem." He gives me a cheesy grin before turning to Meg, "Do you want to play Mario Kart?"

"I always want to play Mario kart." This statement was true. Meg and I would spend hours upon hours racing each other after school.

"So what's on our plans for tomorrow?" Gabbie asked while accepted the pipe from Liza.

"We still haven't gone to Garden of the Gods, and we could also do Pike's Peak. There's a bowling alley not too far from here, either." I tell the group that has now made themselves to be in a circle.

"So bowling then Garden of the Gods?" David asked everyone.

"Yeah, That sounds good to me." Everyone else agreed with me.

"I'm really bad at bowling, though." Scotty admits.

"No worries, I think we all are." Gabbie said with a laugh before handing me the pipe.

"False!" Matt spun around from his bean bag right in front of the TV to prove her wrong. "I am amazing at bowling."

"You do know wii bowling doesn't count, right?" Zane teases his friend. I let out a small cough and hand the pipe to Scotty.

"You won't be saying that tomorrow win I kick your ass." Matt sassed him before turning back around and choosing his character for his game with Meg.

"We also really need to get to filming for school." David sounded a little guilty.

"Yeah, but it's hard to do that when all we do is smoke." Scotty said with a laugh.

"I wish he would tell us what the damn project is. I've been dying to know." I lean my head against Scotty's shoulder after finishing my sentence.

"Well he's having us film pretty much everything. Maybe it's like a documentary?" David guessed.

"Yeah but of what? Our lives?"

"Yeah, that's all we are filming, so I don't know what else it could be."

"I really hope I have enough credits to stay in the class." Scotty spoke up sounding a little dissapointed.

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

"You have to have so many credits to graduate and I failed Math last year so I have to retake it." Gabbie passes me the pipe once again as Scotty speaks. "I can either give up film production or give up woodshop, but it all depends on if the math class aligns with the hours."

"That sucks." I scrunch up my nose before letting the smoke fill my lungs. I hold it in for a moment before passing the pipe to Scotty. "It's almost out."

"Yeah, you're right." He agrees. "I really hope I can stay in the class, but at the same time I haven't even filmed that much." He tried to take a hit but gave up after about ten seconds. "It's gone." I almost laughed at his pout because it was so adorable.

"I don't even feel that high." Zane said from his spot on the couch.

"Well that's because it was only one bowl." Gabbie told him. "Usually we hotbox when we have this many people."

Mischief // S.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now