Sounds Good.

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But that was 6 months ago.
Things are different now. Papa told me to get rid of my manga, so I've been hiding it in the club room instead. And Yuri simply hates Manga... or maybe she just hates me? I try my best to deny it as I head over to the club room. I see Yuri as I enter reading her book like always I calmly sit next to her in hopes she doesn't notice me.
After a minute or so, I finally gather the courage to speak to her

"H-hey Yuri."

She looks up as if pissed that I distracted her from her book.
I continued, timidly pulling a book from my bag.

"I'm willing to read one of your edgy books if you'd read one of my Manga."

I smile jokingly.
I pulled out the first book of the Parfait Girls series and she continued to look at me with a confused expression. She looked down to shut her book and then shifted to face me with it in her hand.

"I guess that would be nice, glad you're starting to open yourself up to new things Natsuki. Here you should read this book."

She started to blush.

"Are you sure? Aren't you still reading it?"

"No I've already read it, I was simply re-reading it."

She pushed it closer to my chest and I grabbed it quickly. I smiled at her and it was the first time I saw her smile since we first met. Her expression quickly changed though as she ran out, most likely she was going to the bathroom.

"Hey let's share our poems everyone!"

Monika chimes in and I was somewhat sad my exchange with Yuri was at an end. I walked up to Monika with my poem and she eagerly grabbed it from my hands. It took her a long time to read it.

"You spelled so many words wrong Natsuki..."
"Not only that but, the Natsuki I know would never use these words. I mean, it's nothing like your cutesy writing-"

"Shut Up!"

I yelled out ripping my poem from her hands and leaving to the bathroom. I hate it when people call my writing style "cute". I mean, shouldn't it be better to have your writing be short and to the point, why do people have to write so vaguely? Though I wrote differently this time around. Using big words and diction that I hoped would appeal to Yuri. I didn't know why I did it exactly, but maybe she'd like me a bit more. I neared the bathroom I heard noises and remembered Yuri went there before we had started sharing poems. But I heard a voice in pain, as if they were sucking air through there teeth trying to bear it. Worried I called out.


I heard a quick shift of movement as I opened the bathroom door.


I heard Yuri yell and scurry to her feet. I could see her sleeves rolled down exposing cuts on from her wrists to her elbow both old and new. It seemed she did this often? I was unsure just scarred for her as my eyes continued to scan the area. She had multiple knives on the floor along with blood that had been dripping from her left arm.


I didn't want to look at her. I just ran towards the schools first aid kit on the bathroom wall desperately hoping there was something of use. I grabbed the bandages, scurried back, and hesitantly sat her down to treat her wounds.

"H-How do you know how to do this?"

She asked as I wrapped the bandages around her arm. I pretended like I didn't know exactly what I was doing but in reality, I knew far too well. Whenever Papa came home drunk or was in a bad mood, the slightest of movements from me could get me in big trouble. I had to know how to care for myself whenever that happened. I still couldn't understand why Yuri would do this. She Didn't seem depressed, never looked suicidal, perhaps it's for a different reason? Yuri always told me she liked knives, that she collected them but I only thought that was because she liked acting edgy. Now it means something completely different. When I finished I held her close to me and sighed.

"Don't Do anything stupid Yuri. I care about you okay?"

I handed her my poem and she grabbed it, her hands shaking. Yuri only nodded, waiting for me to leave the bathroom. Hopefully she would come back to the classroom soon.

We Are Okay. 《DDLC Natsuki x Yuri》Where stories live. Discover now