"May I help you?" she asked pleasantly.

"I am Sasuke Uchiha," he stated calmly. "I'm a new student here, and was told that I needed to pick up some papers from the office before anything else."

"Ah, yes," her frown turned to a smile. She shuffled through a pile of papers, picked out a few, and handed them to Sasuke. "Here," she said cheerily. "You just need to give these to your teachers in each class and have them sign. This one here," the lady pointed to the paper on top, "is your schedule. The paper underneath is a map with each of your classes highlighted."

"Thank you," Sasuke nodded his head, then turned to leave. He looked at his schedule, puffing out a sigh.

First up was English IV. Lovely, he thought sarcastically. Let's see, the raven turned to his map to find the classroom. That was just a little difficult because the words on it were super tiny, which in turn made it hard to even find where he was at in relation to the class. After a few minutes of squinting and closely scrutinizing the map, each highlighted class had a number beside it and a route to the next one. And so Sasuke's journey into Konoha High began.

He walked straight, turned right, then turned left to stand in front of his first period classroom. Taking a deep breath, the pale raven turned the handle and walked in.

And groaned mentally upon looking at the class. For what he saw was the blonde idiot that he was now sharing a flat with, trying and failing to ignore him. Sasuke was much more successful at that part, and he walked to the teacher to give the papers needing to be signed.

"Oh, so you're Sasuke?" the very female teacher giggled. "I hope you do well in this class," she said while she signed in pen. Her hair was black, cut just above her shoulders, and so were her eyes. "You can call me Miss Shizune, okay?"

Sasuke nodded politely, then took the sheet and walked over to a desk Shizune had pointed out. He zoned out 'till the bell to start class rang, then dutifully took notes on the lesson. The teacher gave a pretty fun lesson though, even if her cheery aura was rubbing against Sasuke's dark natures. She was talking about adjectives, and how they could turn a plain sentence into one full of life. Then came the homework assignment that had Naruto's group groaning as if in physical pain. They had to write an essay that used all of the adjectives Shizune had handed out copies of. They also had to do it in a way that showed they understood the meanings of the word. Sasuke actually thought that it was a pretty neat assignment, and fun, compared to the homework he'd had to do in his old school.

Next up was Gym, the raven's own personal least favorite class. It's not that he wasn't fit, he just didn't see the purpose in doing a bijillion workouts. Seriously, what did the school care if you were well-muscled or not?

This teacher happened to be a very enthusiastic person as well. Trying meant achieving, according to Mr. Gai, and Sasuke had it in him to pity the chubby boy that lagged behind as they did a five mile run. He had a friend, but that guy was only walking. Whenever the pale boy passed up the two on the track he caught bits and pieces of a mostly one-sided conversation; the chubby boy was doing the talking even out of breath.

He called the other Shikamaru, and Sasuke did not have it in himself to wonder why so many kids had Japanese names. Shikamaru had a weird pineapple hairstyle going for him, his black hair pulled back in a spiky ponytail. He had relatively tan skin and dark black-looking eyes. His long fingers were clasped in front of him, tapping against each other in a way that told he was thinking about something.

The other boy was assigned a name when Mr. Gai called out to the pair that they should run in the spirit of their youth. He was Chouji Akimichi and pineapple head was Shikamaru Nara. Chouji's cheeks were red and he was puffing air as he slowly made it over the marker for two miles.

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