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18th July, 201811:08 pm

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18th July, 2018
11:08 pm

       "LET'S HAVE ANOTHER toast to the girl—"

       "Sing one more One Direction song and I'll fucking cut your throat, Agnes," Carl warns, pushing his glasses up his nose and yawning, head hitting the back of the lounge chair as he looks out at the sprawling city beneath them, the lights going off in slow succession and the moon hanging proudly in the air.

      "Dude you're like twelve, I could choke slam you all the way to fucking Antarctica," Inês scoffs, bringing her cigarette up to her mouth and taking a long drag.

     "Seventeen, and I'm pretty sure I could take you down."

     "We'll see about that," She mutters, leaning back into the hanging chair and curling up her legs up to her body, her attention captured by the beauty that is Amsterdam. In that moment, she feels like a teenager again, getting high near the canals and drinking her sorrow away, unbothered by life. She sucks a sharp breath in at this, turning towards Carl as she asks, "So, what's your story?"

     "My story?"

      "Yeah, everyone has one. Fucked up house, drug addicts as parents, abusive relationships. There's a reason we're like this, isn't there? So, what is it?"

      Carl raises an eyebrow at Inês and she shrugs, "It's true."

     "Destructive family. Dad hits mom, mom cries, they have sex. Repeat."

      Inês whistles lowly before leaning down and pressing her cigarette bud to the ground, watching the embers die and wash out on the tiled floor of the balcony as she comments, "Must be hard."

      Carl chuckles and shakes his head, tipping his head back as he lets the beer burn down his throat. He holds in the urge to say 'that's what she said' and instead says, "Not really that hard," he comments, "since I was never in the house anyway. But when I was, it was fucking noisy."

       Inês laughs softly and closes her eyes, letting her hair fall back as she enjoys the cool air of winter hitting her face. She isn't sure when they're going to have this again — the peace, the quiet, the calm before a storm.

       "Hey-uh, I was wondering.." Carl begins unsurely, pushing back onto his seat and straightening up, nervously scratching the back of his head.


     "Is Teresa single?"

       Inês turns to look at Carl with an amused expression, a small smile playing on her lips as she raises an eyebrow. Embarrassed, Carl looks away, and Inês answers with a question, "Why?"

      "I don't know?"

      "Well, tough luck. She's with Calum."

      "Isn't that illegal or some shít? Isn't he like twenty five?"

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