-Keep your eyes open- prologue

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I can hear my heart beating faster, 3 more Ivianna, 3 more. Then you and Zayden wins

I ran as fast as i can or else.... I lose... and die. The sound of the cries of the other tributes getting murdered filled my ears. The sight of blood in every corner haunts me. All i have is a knife. How can a puny knife kill 3 more tributes? I heard someone yell, and i thought of..... Zayden! I ran as fast as i can.. I saw traces of blood... Now im getting worried.

"ZAYDEN? ZAYDEN?!" i yelled out while running as fast as i can 

"ZAYDEN?!? WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?" i kept yelling his name and there isn't any response. I've reached the river and I saw him lying, hopeless. I ran over next to him. 

"Zayden? You ok?" that was a stupid question

"Does it look like im ok? Im dying Ivy. Nothing is gonna save me.." 

"Don't loose hope. Everything will be ok." I started crying. I held his bloody hand. Our fingers intertwine. 

"Everything will be alright." i tried saying between sobs

"Ivy, can you promise me one thing?" he said

"anything.." i replied 

"try to win.."

"you know i cant do that, District 2 has Cato, District 12 has Katniss and Peeta." i argued 

"and District 7 has you." he said supporting, i cant but smile.

"Zay, you've been my best friend and I have words I've been dying to tell you." 

"what is it?" he asked

"I-I-I" seems like i cant speak. 

"I liked you since we've met, and i just cant seem to tell you cuz I see you're happy with Roxanna. And now you're-"

"Injured? Gonna die? I am. But cheer up. I'll be in heaven with the other angels. I'll be next to you. I promise.." he smiled.


"I promise.. Ivy"he closed his eyes and a few tears came pouring down from his eyes. And he slowly lets go of my hand.

"Zay?" i shook him. 

"Zay?" i tried again. I heard the loud canon. He's gone... He's gone..

"I dont wanna fight anymore.. I dont wanna fight." i started tearing again. My hands on my face. Then i heard someone running.. it's Cato, with an axe. His face bleeding. I closed my eyes. 


HAII GUYS! :DD IM NEW HERE! NYAHAHA! Feel free to comment, if its okay or not. or should i start writing?  

Keep your eyes open (District 7 Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora