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18th July, 2018 10:56 pm
"TEALA AND CHARLES, members of the most wanted gang FBGM, were recently spotted in Amsterdam. They, once again, robbed and got away with it. Officials of the Federal Bank of Amsterdam along with the national police have been searching high and low for the pair, to no avail," The reporter says, mic grasped tightly in her hand and hair whipping in the wind, "The chase ensued ten police cars, one helicopter and four bikes. The only clue that the police seem is to have is that other members were also at the scene. Now, passing onto Kyle and Azeem back at the studio."
The scene shifts, and the camera pans over a professional news channel set up, with two corpulent males seated at the table, grim looks on their faces and fingers clenched together on the table.
"What appears to have been a heist," Azeem Khan starts, "was in fact much more. Or, I guess you could say, much less. Witnesses on the scene report no threats, no gunshots, and absolutely no violence. The robbery was silent, calm, and completely evidence free," he points at the top left of the screen, where a blurred picture of Teala appears, showing her bent over an officer and checking his pulse, "Members seemed to take their time, and did nothing except for taking the money."
"It's weird, isn't it Azeem," Kyle starts, "that the FBGM attacked The Federal Bank Of Amsterdam? Weren't the representatives of FBOA recently in and out of jail for cases of fraud and money laundering. If I'm right, and correct me if I'm wrong, but this was the FBGM's first attack on a bank, wasn't it?"
"That's right, Kyle," Azeem picks up, "The FBGM have never, ever robbed a bank. While it was known that they were skilled, nobody had been expecting this. To transfer money digitally is another thing, but to physically break into a bank, a completely different ballgame. While the motives of this group are still unknown, I can assure you, Kyle, that whoever wasn't on their tails, is definitely after them now. What's even more curious is that—"
Luke groans, switching off the television and falling down in his seat. He runs a shaky his hand through his hair, suddenly craving a bottle of whiskey in his hands and a stripper on his lap, but settling for a cold glass of water and a curled fist. At this rate, his demotion loomed very, very close. Once again, the group performed an extremely dangerous, ridden with risks robbery, got caught red handed, and yet got away with it. He did as much as he could, but there was no one, not even the fucking head of the Federal Beaureu of Investigation, who had predicted that they would attack in Amsterdam next. Their last attack on Gerard Unify had been in New York, and every single state in the country had been equipped with arms and trained personnel to tackle any other disturbance, but Amsterdam? A whole different country, on a whole different continent?
Was Europe even in his fucking jurisdiction?
Luke knows that that doesn't matter, however, because he had been assigned their case, and any act of theirs, absolutely any robbery in any part of the world, would eventually generate a file that would fall back onto his table. He's glad that the moon went down and that his office hours were technically over, even though they never, ever were over in the actual sense, because that way, he can avoid the case for one more night.