All I ever did was destroy lives. I would take their souls and turn them into dust without a hint of remorse.

I committed a crime.

And this was my punishment.

I sat up, looking to my left at my digital alarm clock.

3:42 AM...

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, forcing them to stay open. Since I'm awake I should at least get ready for school.

A sigh escaped my lips as I flung the covers off of my body. The cold, still air of the room seemed to hit me like a truck, causing me to shiver slightly.

I never really like the cold, which, is extremely ironic, considering that my soul is as cold and hard as ice.

Grabbing a flashlight, I walked towards the door and opened it slightly. I turned the flashlight on, letting me see through the crack of the door and what lay behind it.

My room was the closest room to the stairs on the right side in our long hallway, Frisk's room being on the opposite side at a slight diagonal.

A straight line of sight for me to get to her if there was ever an intruder.

There was no other light in the hallway and it was dead quiet. I felt my neck hairs start to prickle with unease. What if no body was there? If so, where did they go? And who or what would be behind those doors?

I knew that they were extremely childish thoughts, but something about the still, hushed, dark room made my heart pound with horrifying familiarity.

But my childish questions were soon answered as I heard Undyne's strangely loud snoring, muffled only slightly by the walls. Alphys's snores where a soft undertone of her fiancé's steady gurgles, and I couldn't help but let out a small sigh of relief.

The door creaked loudly as I opened it fully, causing me to flinch ever so slightly. I didn't want to wake anyone up, and from what I've learned, Mettaton was an extremely light sleeper.

And I did not want to wake up that drama queen.

With light steps, I tiptoed my way down the marble stairs, tilting the flashlight downwards slightly so I could see the stairs in front of me.

Once my feet hit the soft carpet at the end up the stairway, I let go of my breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

Every time I woke up from my nightmares, I'd always feel on edge. Like someone was watching my every move...

I shook off the feeling, pushing it towards the back of my mind.

It's probably just Napstablook visiting again. I tried convincing myself as I made my way towards the tea cabinet. He always comes at about 4:00 AM and hides some ghosts sandwiches or record players in the fridge.

I had always assumed they were for Frisk, which sounds kind of sweet in hindsight, but not at 4:00 AM in the fucking morning.

I opened the cabinet door quietly, shining the flashlight onto the different tea sets and types.

"Green tea, no. Blueberry tea, no. Earl Grey tea, no..." I whispered silently, checking off each tea type in my head.

Life On The Surface///Corisk [discontinued..]Where stories live. Discover now