Kai Here

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Kai: So Soul has switched the blogs. I have Lloyd's blog, and the other pairings are Soul and Lloyd, Caroline and Zane, Destiny and  Nya (Jay's X and his girlfriend. this has got to be good), and Kelzpoo and Jay (I predict some flames to be involved). Leray isn't home yet and I don't think she knows about the switch yet.

*door closes and a back pack is droped on the ground*

Kai: that would be Leray.

*strangely quiet*

Kai: uh.... hello? *suddenly entangled in vines leaving an opening for his eyes and a space to breath. tries to burn them away. nothing happens.*

Leray: *appears in front of Kai holding the point of a dagger between his eyes.* WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE? WHERE- oh, hi Kai.

Kai: *mumbles something*

Leray: *sets dagger down on desk and releases him from vines* So what are you doing here?

Kai: Soul made us switch around the blogs. just read her latset post.

Leray: *reads it. sighs* okay,

Kai: what you don't want me to be here?

Leray: nothing like that it's just.....

Kai: yes?

Leray: *mutters* i'll miss Lloyd. *glares* not. a. word.

Kai: wasn't going to say anything.

Leray: also don't do anything stupid while you're here.

Kai: you mean stupider than what Lloyd would do? *laughs*

Leray: *glares at him* careful or by the end of this week i'll be making arrow heads from bones. *turns and leaves.* i've got homework to do.

Kai: *gulps* i'm not going to make through these next two weeks.

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