Jack Gilinsky

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Trying my best w updates guys(:I get a bunch of inbox requests and i'm horrible at time management so I'm doing my best. I'm so close to getting on the first page when you look up MagCon Imagines ahhh! Thank you so so so much for commenting and voting, your guys' comments make me laugh so hard i love you all so much.

Because I've done a lot of jealously imagines this ones probably gonna be a bit shorter, kind of hard to come up with ideas(: xx


Request for Jessie

Jessie's P.O.V

"Jessssssss. I'm so bored can we please do something besides sitting on our asses scrolling through our phones? Jack groaned.

"You're so whiny today." I laughed.

"I'm hungry and bored, can we get something to eat?" He said putting on a pouty face.

"Ugh fine, where do you wanna go?"'


"Only if I can pay because you paid last time." I pleaded.

"Haha that's cute, no."

"But Ja-"

"No, girls shouldn't have to pay for anything when they're going out with a guy."

"What if the girl offers in the first place?"

"Then the guy declines duh, it's like a secret code."

"But I don't want to use you for money."

"Jess, stop overthinking and just let me pay."

I let out a huff of breath and rolled my eyes.

"Good now let's goooo."

He got up and reached into his pockets scrambling for his keys as we walked out my room, and out my house.

He slid into the drivers side of his Black Jeep while I hopped into the passenger

((Literally have no idea what car jack drives so let's pretend ok))

He put on the radio and the song Boom Clap by Charli XCX came on. I smiled and turned it up, the music blasting through the speakers, as Jack rolled the windows down feeling the warm summer breeze whip our hair around. My eyes scanned Jack as an award winning smile creeped up on his face, one hand on the steering wheel and the other half out of the window. He looked so cute and content. I loved this feeling, I was happy and it was fun.

It quickly ended when we pulled into the Chipotle parking lot. It was packed, like it always was. Probably with basic white girls who don't even like Mexican food but you know gotta deal with it.

I quickly hopped out of the car, racing Jack to the door so he couldn't hold it open for me. I walked in feeling the cool blast of air conditioning send a chill up my spine and a trail of goosebumps down my arm. Jack put his hand on the small of my back leading me up to the register to order.

"Uhh, Jack you go ahead. I don't know what I want."

For once he didn't argue with me and just went ahead ordering and walking down to the second register. Finally deciding what I wanted to order, I walked up to the register making eye contact with the young boy behind it.

"Hi, what can I get you?" He asked flashing a smile.

"I'll just have a burrito."

He nodded and pressed a few buttons on the register and before I knew it, handing me a receipt. I nodded and began walking away.

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