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18th July, 201811:48 am

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18th July, 2018
11:48 am

      FAINT NOISES RING through Teresa's ear she rushes past people, her worn out sneakers scrubbing against the asphalt. She can feel her heart in her throat, and it's taking all of her willpower to stay calm.

     Deep breaths, Tess, you can do it.

     Teresa, like always, almost gets away— before a security guard shouts 'Hey, wait up!'. Teresa curses, hitches the bag further up her shoulder, and starts jogging.

    "Hey, stop!" The guard exclaims, and at this point, Tess is running. Her feet slam against the ground as she sprints, and she can the hear the security guard calling for backup. She almost trips, but stands her own and keeps moving.

    Sirens wail in the background, and Teresa almost breaks down.

    Her breaths are coming out in short puffs now, a sharp pain shooting from the side of her body right to her rips. She inhales, exhales, and keeps running. Turns left, turns right— right, left, left, straight— just like in the plan.

    The police sirens are more vague now— and, to add to her fear, the sounds of helicopter whirring mixes in with the rest. It's only after the last turn does she see the blue convertible, merged in with the rest of the sports cars in the showroom. Unwillingly, a grin spreads across her face, and she pushes herself. Inhales longer, runs faster. When she reaches the car, the door is already open. Calum grins back at her, a sly look in his eyes. When she gets in, he leans over to press a chaste kiss against her lips. As soon as he pulls back, he slings an arm around her seat and pulls back with experienced ease.

     Teresa ignores the stitch in her side, pushes her glasses up her face, and smirks, "Hurry up, pretty boy. We haven't got all day."

     Calum slams his foot on the accelerator, palm pressed on the horn as he exits the warehouse and weaves through the thin traffic. Not long after, the familiar whir of helicopters over their heads and police sirens tear across the silence of the flyover.

     "Assholes think they can catch us," Calum chuckles, his hand twisting the wheel sharply, veering them off course.

     "I would say there's no harm in trying— but for fuck's sake, helicopters? Think this is fucking Mission Impossible or something. They're gonna end up spending more on the chase than on the money they lost."

     As she says this, she reaches under the seat and pulls out waterproof bags. With a bit of struggle and a shit load of cursing, she manages to squeeze the duffel bags into the plastic and zip them up.

      "If they would've ever stopped and thought for a moment, we wouldn't be able to pull off half the shit that we do," he states, foot pressed on the accelerator. He can hear his heart beating at miles per second, but this is what he was born for. Speed. Adrenaline.

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