Hoseok went out to Jimin's place for some reason.
I wonder why..
But it won't bother me anyways since Jimin won't remember me.
Suddenly, I got a text message from Hoseok.
Hobi-oppa: Anyo (Y/n)! Come over to Jimin's house right now!
(Y/n): Okay Hobi-oppa, whats going on?
Hobi-oppa: Just come over no asking questions!!
(Y/n): Aish, fine you win. But I'm going to take long.
Hobi-oppa: Take as much time you want, just as long you come here.
(Y/n): Okay oppa I'll see you later.
Hobi-oppa: Bye (Y/n)-ah, saranghae! ❤️
(Y/n): I love you too, bye. <3
Aish this kid, I wonder why I always act like the more mature one even though I'm younger than him.
"Okay Jimin, let's roll with the plan okay?", Seokjin reassured me to see if I'm nervous or not.
"Alright hyung, I'm ready.", I said smiling at Seokjin.
I was excited to do this. It was a really great plan Seokjin made.
Hoseok came beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Well, she's coming soon but she said she'll take long.", Hoseok smiled.
"It's all on you Jimin, don't screw it up!", Seokjin poked my nose.
"And please don't smas-!", Namjoon blurted as Yoongi, once again, elbowed his side for like the millionth time.
"Will you please shut up! Geez how many times do I have to say that Jungkook is in the freaking room!", Yoongi yelled at Namjoon.
I was holding my breath, thank god he didn't curse.
Jungkook innocently smiled and tilted his head to the side slightly.
"Your so contaminated with pervyness you poor thing.", Seokjin patted Namjoon's shoulder.
Suddenly, somebody knocked on the door.
Everybody looked over at Taehyung.
Taehyung smiled and nodded his head slightly.
He walked to the door while we all went to sit down on the couch.
"Anyo Taehyung!", I heard a familiar voice.
My heart fluttered.
"Anyo (Y/n)-ah!", Taehyung said.
After they both greeted eachother, we all heard approaching footsteps.
My heart started to beat faster.
"Anyo everybody!", (Y/n) said.
"Anyo (Y/n)!", everybody waved at her.
She smiled at everybody and looked around the room. Her eyes stopped to meet mine.
I smiled at her and I started to get even more nervous.
She smiled back, and then her eyes went to another direction.

Unforgettable | pjm
FanfictionPark Jimin, your boyfriend, has been with you for 2 years. What will happen when he gets into a car crash and forgets about you? Will he ever remember you? Will he ever look at you the same way he did when you both were together? Read and find o...