Chapter 17- Zetah: Pressing for Information

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As soon as Kc left, I stood.

I know he's still here. I thought.

"Defender come out." I called.

There was shifting along the fence and he walked out.

"Not too bad. I thought you wouldn't have noticed me." He shrugged.

"I was after all standing considerably close to you. I could hear your breathing."

"I wanted to show her something, but you will do." He gestuerd for me to come with him.

"What do you want?" I said in a cold tone.

"Just for you to see something."

"Give more detail on 'something'."

 "It's a secret that I can't say on Starglade property." 

"Oh really?" I wasn't believing his story. 

He nodded. "I promise I won't do anything. I just might...know how everyone's been going missing." 

"What?!" I was stunned. 

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Tell me where they are." I demanded through clenched teeth. 

 "Then come with me." He shrugged. 

"I'm no fool. I won't be like the rest of them." I glared at him. 

"Then, I'll give you a sneak peek." He held out his hand as if he was expecting me to grab it. 

Then a light flickered on his palm. It started like a skinny beam until it widened showing a cell. I saw another and another until it seemed like it was endless. 

The walls were bare and gray. All of a sudden I heard the voice. It was familiar and urgent with the hint of laughter like that person had found joy in the endless gray bared waistland. 

"Helloo? Helloooo?" The voice sounded feminine but I couldn't make out who it was. 

"Stop. You've been trying for days. Who knows what's -" A man started to say but before it was finished Defender cut it off. 

"Where are they?" I growled. 

It didn't matter if they were people I knew or not. No one should be in a place like that. 

"I can't say." His face remained blank. 

"What do you mean?" I pulled out a dagger and pressed the sharp blade close to his chest. 

"Okay. I really can't say. All I know is that change is coming and soon." 

The thing about Starglade is that it's a safe zone. You can't kill anyone. I pressed the dagger further in him but I know he didn't feel it. He didn't even bleed. 

He must not have known about Starglade being a safe zone because he spilled all that he knew. 

"I can tell you this," His voice was shaky with nervousness. "I don't even know where it is. I promise. I just scan all areas." 

"What? Tell more." I pressed harder. 

 "Mandrake in Himeng Valley is one of the people to go to." 

"What about him?" 

"He's takes them. Don't ask what for. I just do as I am assigned."

"Who's in charge?" 

"I don't know that either. I only do it because I was told to and if I didn't I'd be killed and there would be no coming back." 

"No teleportation?" I raised an eyebrow. 

Defender shook his head. "No. Nothing."

"Take me to Mandrake then."

He nodded. "What about you guild though? Will they know you've gone?"

I didn't know how they would respond with me just up and off like this.

So, in the end, I left a hidden note under one of the steps.

I only hid it because Defender told me to. Don't ask why I listened to him.

 Then I followed him to Himeng Valley to take a visit to Mandrake.


Hisssss. XD okay okay, soo.. yea. This is it!

I haven't posted an A/N in a while so :D Here it is XD

Whoo! I know this chapter is short, but I really wanna finish this story now XD

(P.S: I'm a freshmaaannn! ^~^)

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