I have more nightmares about failing AP Biology than I do about you.

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Chapter 48.5

" I have more nightmares about failing AP Biology than I do about you."

Rochelle Quinn's POV:

"Rochelle Quinn." My name left Royal's lips softly, his widened eyes fixated on me. "O perigo."

"Missed me?" My lips moved upwards, embracing the astounded stares off the brothers. I noticed Cole and Charlie gazing at me through the corner of my eye, curiosity overtaking the shock.

"Oh Meu bem ( My darling) , I have." The electrifying blue eyes turned devilish within a matter of seconds. He moved his stare until it was on his second to oldest brother.


I swallowed, standing straighter. My fists remained at my sides and my gaze didn't falter as Killian's met mine.

The barrier in my eyes was back up and I swear I saw a wave of sadness flash through his at the sight.

But I wasn't here to reunite with any of them, or mess around playing games.

I was here to save my brother.

"Gonna tell me why you're here, Royal? I don't mean to be rude but I didn't come for reunion." My tone was callous, and almost cruel. I spat the words at him as though he was beneath me, which he was.

Brett stepped forward slightly, his eyes turned to slits as he heard the coldness in my voice. "We were told that some little cadela (Bitch) hurt a friend of Jay's. And of course we knew we'd have to get involved once we heard it was a Rossi."

I took a deep breath, shaking my head. "You shouldn't have come here, King. You're on my turf now." I clenched my fists as an act of warning, which didn't go unnoticed by either of them.

Royal smiled at me again, "You won't beat us, Rochelle. We're not leaving until Alec comes."

I tried not to flinch at the name but I failed, closing my eyes as I attempted to steady my breathing.

I could feel the concern radiating off Killian in waves but I refused to look at him. I couldn't risk it.

I caught Sky's knowing look, I glanced at his mouth as he spoke to me yet no sound was coming out.

"Run." He mouthed, "I can take it."


"Alec's not coming." I raised my voice, knowing that the gang and Jensen's would be able to hear me.

"Then Skylar isn't leaving." Royal spoke with the same amount of power I did, shaking the room to the core.

"Take me." I offered instantly, "Let Sky go and take me instead."

"No!" Killian and Sky spoke at the same time, their voices echoed across the silent room.

Royal observed the look of pain on his brothers face, his eyebrows furrowing. He looked at me, his gaze flickered to the scar on my wrist and then back to my eyes. "You think you can handle us again?"

I scoffed, "I have more nightmares about failing AP Biology than I do about you."


"Fine." He turned to Brett and Elliot, signally for them to untie Sky's hands. "Let him go. Killian and Liam can hold Rochelle."

Sky shook his head, not moving his gaze away from mine.

Trust me. I wanted to say, but I knew he wouldn't be able to in this situation.

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