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*Baekhyun's POV*

"Your property?Whoever you are you do realize that I am a human being!!A walking,breathing alive human being!Who do you think you are to tell me whom I belong to? I belong to no one get that through your thick skull' I yelled out at the camera as anger bubbled inside my veins like poison

"tch tch anger is a negative trait Subject 04,I'm pretty sure I told you that not too long ago"came the chilled reply of 'him'. "Whoever you are I don't care just let me go,I don't even know who you are!' I pleaded him as I knew I was helpless

"Wow,such words coming out of your mouth really hurt my feelings subject 04"the person fake cried "you know me very well, in fact I know you very well to say the least ,after all

you are like"

"Stop!don't say the name of such a pure relation from your exploited tongue.You are a disgrace to humanity!"I screamed as I couldn't bear it any longer "tch tch Subject 04 saying such things won't solve anything,after all I now control your mind"

"what the heck do you even mea- bzzzzzztttttttttt"

'what the hell? where was this sound coming from' I frantically turned and looked around as the noise got more and more intense and painful, but it didn't take me long enough to realize that it was

coming from inside my head


The only words I could use to describe my condition at that moment.My knees buckled over as I couldn't bear the pain anymore.It was at this moment the only noise in the room was my screaming and 'his' laughing.

It was the day on which I Byun Baekhyun Confesses lost his faith in humanity

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