Bad Boy and Good Girl Romance

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I can't express how much I despise this romance cliched plot. It's beyond very predictiable. I mean we all know how this goes :

Bad boy is very popular mad every girl wuvs him! Then there is the nerd, super hated and is probably nauseous by her parents and abused by them. 

Okay, lemme stop you there. First, the protagonist, mostly a female believes she's ugly, but she looks like this :

I mean what the hell! She isn't ugly if she is portrayed by an Instagram model or some fucking beautiful actress! Authors don't know the definition of 'ugly'

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I mean what the hell! She isn't ugly if she is portrayed by an Instagram model or some fucking beautiful actress! Authors don't know the definition of 'ugly'. 

Secondly, she is abused by her parents or she sdepressed despite not having a reason why she is 'depressed'. I mean stop. You aren't depressed, you ar eprobably trying to be one of those edgy cool kids with fidget spinners.

Third, the author portrays the character as poor, but appearently the protagonist has amazing clothing like Gucci shit. Come on author, you could do way better than that! She isn't poor if she has Gucci and Nike shit. That mean she's rich.

Fourth, the bad boy personality and story is so messed up. A majority of times authors write the bad boy secretly nice, caring, sweet, dorky, etc. when HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE 'BAD BOY'! You aren't the bad boy if you are nice and caring! 

Also we hardly see the 'bad' boy doing anything bad. Bad menas like going to fucking rob some banks, not pranking people and being a cunt to literally everyone in their way. Later on in the stories, they fall in love with the nerd and date her in the end. Happy Everly After!

Lastly, the character , the protagonist, is fucking perfect! A Mary-sue! She literally is 'secretly smart, nice , but shy, very creative, and funny' Please If this bitch is unpopular and hated on by everybody for no valid reason, at least put a fucking flaw on this hoe!

This is an example how those books start and end :

Meet Lola, she is super unpopular, hated by everybody, and abused by her parents. She has no friends at her school because she is new. Though in science class there is a beautiful boy named Brandon. She secretly likes her, but she knows she doesn't have a chance with him because he's a 'bad' boy and only dig popular hoes. 

Suddenly, out of magic they are paired up for a science class. They both bond and Brandon secretly forms a crush on her because of his 'soft' side. He wants to hang out more , but he knows it'll ruin his reputation. Then Brandon confesses his feelings for her depsite knowing her for a week and Lola confesses as well and they date in the end. 

The End!

See how predictable and stupid those plots are?

- Flickering

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