chapter 1

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Alex’s POV


  “This way!”  I yell and lead my friends through the woods.  “I can see them now!”  We crash through the forests.  

  “Alex!”  My boyfriend Zander yells a warning.  I stab the evil one before charging a head.  This is my life.  An endless war with my uncle Candor who apparently loves me so much that he wants to drink my blood which will give him more power so he can take over the world.  He’s sent his nasties after me and ever since I’ve become queen he seems to be creating more and more minions.    

   I’ve been training at the infamous vampire school Privame Academy all year and it is there that all this began.  My life as a vampire started there.  I found out about my royal heritage, met friends and love.  I also got my vampiric powers.  Oh and I can’t forget dear old cousin Anna who was just like her devilish father.  I charge straight into the clearing in the middle of the forest and freeze.  I look at the fighting around me.  Werewolves are everywhere fighting against the EOs.  I had received premonitions which is one of my powers and saw a glimpse of huge wolves fighting against Candor’s army.  A sign giving me the name of the town in Oregon where the war was taking place and I had seen a beautiful and dazzling starch white wolf with piercing, electric blue eyes. I had a feeling that I was supposed to meet these wolves.  

  “What’s going on?”  My friend and lady in waiting Ayra yells as she bursts into the clearing after me.  I just shake my head, mystified as I watch multiple EO were falling to the ground in the clearing without anyone touching them.  Only a few fall at first then more and more collapse.  The werewolves all stop battling to stare too and they are all just as confused as my party is.  I feel familiar waves of power wash over the crowd and I look to find the source of the power.  In the middle of the clearing there is a tall boy and girl holding each others hands.  They are chanting in a foreign tongue and both seem to be concentrating.  They both look strained and the girls knees give way.  I hear a dark haired boy yell as he watches her fall.  Then all of the sudden the pulsing power stops when an EO jumps the boy holding hands with the blond girl.  Time seems to return to normal speed and the fight begins again.  My fighters start to battle and I have to defend myself.  I teleport back and forth to those who need assistance with battling the enemies and pull out my weapons.  I draw a dagger and hurl it toward the EO who is about to attack the defenseless blond girl laying on the ground.  I run over and withdraw the dagger.  

  “Eww!  That is disgusting.”  I say looking at the dagger dripping black blood.  I sheath it and stand over the girl who looks up at me with piercing blue eyes.  I help pull her up and we stand there looking at eachother.  She’s beautiful with her pale and piercing eyes and golden hair.  She has a fair thin face and body with killer curves.  She’s taller than me by about half a foot and looks far stronger.  I can tell by her well muscled arms and legs that she is a warrior.  “You must be her.”  I state.  “The girl from my dreams.”  Her mouth hangs open and she’s clearly unsure of how to respond to my strange statement.  

   “What?”  She asks.  

   “Sorry.  I should introduce myself.  Alexandra Cross, Queen of vampires.  You are?”  I ask raising an eyebrow and extend a hand.  

   “Celena Bane, white wolf.”  She eyes my hand.  “Vampires you say?”  

   “Is that surprising to you?  After all you are Werewolves.”  

   “How do you know about-”  Celena is interrupted by the dark haired and eyed boy from before.  He picks her up and puts her behind him protectively. n He puts himself between her and me growling protectively.  

   “Get away from her.  Who are you?”  He snarls.  

   “Who are you?”  I ask raising an eyebrow.  

   “It’s alright Ren.  She won’t hurt me.”  Celena says putting a hand on his chest.  Just with that small touch Ren seems to calm down, but he still glares and growls.  I growl back.  “This is Alexandra.”  Celena says smiling.

   “Call me Alex.”  I smile.  “Queen of the vampires at your service.  Maybe we should talk about this somewhere else?”  


   “Good idea.”  Celena says winking.  I like this girl.


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