Im sorry.

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I'm sorry to all the guys who can't show their emotion in front of girls and other guys because they're a man and they're not supposed to cry.

I'm sorry to all the girls that are pressured by this materialistic world and think that they hair and face defines their human race.

I'm sorry to all those mums who's children grew up way to young.
They had to face all the things you tried to keep them away from. All of the things you went through, you didn't want them too

see there dad hurting there mum.
But they did, they saw every tear flow out of your eye. They didn't say anything until he left you. There number 1 man gone just like that.

I'm sorry to all the dads who got family's they didn't deserve. Treated there young like huge mistakes and treated there wife's like kitchen knifes to use and chuck away.

I'm sorry to all those teachers who try to teach us at the age of 14 that hitting girls is mean, that smacking a girls ass is disgusting! You were the people who tried to stop rape and abuse at a young age but what did you expect when they went home the role model they would get is dad hitting Mum. They didn't know right from wrong or what was going on.

I'm sorry to my future children because you're the ones who have to fix our shitty mess. By the time I'm dead the world will be at an end.
We are teaching our children that hitting each other at home isn't wrong. That cat calling girls and looking up they're skirts is okay because that's what they see us, you, me. We are the role models to our children so why can't we teach them the real reasons. Girls and boys of our generation should be respected, we need to teach them the difference between right and wrong. Do you know how many people are dying because of sexual and domestic abuse right now? Too many to count I bet you couldn't even figure it out. So let's shelter our children but not too much let them get in touch with the real world. Let's teach them that rape is wrong and let's make the world a happier place when it's comes to 14th February 3008.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2018 ⏰

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