Update- please read

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So, I will be completely unactive on this story. I was debating deleting it, but it was a pretty big part of my life and thought better of it. I'll be cleaning up my profile and prepare to write more, better written stories. They won't be Ereri, but they will be Klance (Keith/Lance from Voltron: Legendary Defenders)

I'm working on a story I believe will turn out rather well, so if you'd like to read it, it'll be up in a couple of months or so. I won't be taking suggestions on stories because they will be fully written pre-post. I'm working on school as well and preparing to go to art school (Next year. I haven't started applying but I have my eyes on a few schools).

I will be posting my work on here first, to get a general feedback, before I move to Archive Of Our Own and keeping updates on my tumblr. 

If you want to talk to me, my messages are always open and I'll respond as soon as I can, but please don't always expect it to be immediate. 

I might decide to take this story down one day, or maybe just go back through and edit it all. Looking back, I can see how much I've improved and I honestly don't like the way this story came about.

Thank you for reading, I really do appreciate every single one of you.

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