One Shot

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An icy wind blew all over the campus of Kodo Ikusei Senior high school. Skirts were lifted, revealing panties of all kinds to the eyes of those who were present. Soon, shouts of '' Kyaaaah!'' could be heard outside the Keyaki mall, accompanied by sudden nasal bleedings from the male popultion and the sound of tree branches swaying furiously. Although it was the beginning of the year, there were still three months left before the end of winter. Due to the wind, the snow accumulated in the trees began to fall on the ground and...

"Uwa! So cold!''

It fell right on someone's head. The person in question had long pink hair and deep blue eyes. Her outfit consisted of a white long-sleeved blouse with a beige leather jacket over it. Instead of the Kodo Ikusei school skirt, the girl wore jeans that outlined her incredible curves.

"Mou Sakura, that's exactly why I told you not to walk near the trees." An extremely beautiful girl chided her. Her perfect body and face attracted the attention not only of the boys who passed by, but also of some girls who had this "kind of taste."

"S-Sorry Haruka-chan," Sakura said shyly as she pulled out her glasses that had some snow that had fallen on it. Hasebe let out a small sigh and wiped the rest of the snow that was still on the naive girl's head. After finishing cleaning her friend's pink hair, Hasebe took her by the hand and began to pull her into the mall.

''Kiyopon! You'll be left behind if you do not hurry! "She shouted with joy to a person who was a little further away from them. It was a teenager with brown hair that was swaying from side to side due to the wind. His eyes were a golden color and his choice of clothing consisted of brown trousers, a gray sweater, and an overcoat that was the same color as his trousers.

"I do understand their need to want a man to accompany them and to help carry the bags... and unfortunately, Yukimura and Miyabe are sick, so the one left to go with them was me...'' Ayanokoji Kiyotaka sighed inwardly, keeping a serious expression on the outside as he waved to Hasebe and joined them the moment they went inside the mall. As they entered the warm environment, Hasebe and Sakura let out a relieved sighs. Going further into the mall, the group went to one of several clothing stores in the Keyaki mall.

"Okay, Sakura, any idea about what kind of clothes you want?" Hasebe questioned her friend.

"Actually, I can't spend a lot of points, so I'm just looking for something that is cheap and comfortable." Being honest, the amount of winter clothes she had was pretty scarce and when she mentioned this to Hasebe, they decided to go shopping.

"Umm, easy task, at the same time we can look for more... provocative atires too." Hasebe whispered the last part so only the blue-eyed girl could hear and sent a suggestive look in Ayanokoji's direction. The ex idol felt her face flush as she realized what her friend was insinuating, but before she could exclaim 'H-Haruka-chan!' with an embarassed voice, the blue-haired girl interrupted her.

"It's going to take a while for us to pick the clothes for Sakura, will you wait inside the store or outside?" Hasebe asked the only boy next to them. Ayanokoji slowly shook his head in denial.

''I'm going to take a walk to kill time so I'll be back in half an hour.''

"Better put another 30 minutes on this walk of yours, there are other things we want to check." Haruka sent a small smile to Sakura, who looked away with reddened cheeks.

Ayanokoji merely nodded again at seeing the 'mysterious communication' between Sakura and Hasebe, clearly confused about what it might mean.

"The female mind is a mystery" he concluded, and after observing Hasebe and Sakura entering the shop and disappearing into the session where the winter clother were located, he began his walk. The reason he decided not to wait inside the store was not because he didn't want to sit around until the girls finished their business, but because there were so many things occupying his mind, so he thought walking might help disperse his thoughts.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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