Push it real good

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The white lights are making the sweat on my face stand out more than it already is, the hospital gown sticking to my body, soaked through and through. I feel the tension of the doctor that has had her hands ready in between my legs, encouraging me to push for the past five hours. I feel Dallons hand in mine. His large hand being the smallest it's ever been as I crushed it in my palm. There is not a particle separating us, apart from the sweat that's almost dripping from our hands. I hear his soft whimpers, begging for mercy from my murderous grip. Everything is a blur, I feel copper at the back of my throat from my efforts. "Honey just a little more. You're nine centimetres, I just need a little more effort to get him out." The nurse tried to sound supportive but I can tell how angry she is becuase it's far past the end of her shift. "Dallon do something. Anything just help me" I breathe out, begging for this baby to come out of me.

Dallon, being Dallon, peels his hand away from mine and goes to his jacket on the back of the chair. I see his phone slip from his hand to the floor because of the sweat. He wipes his hand on his jeans, the only partially dry piece of clothing he has on. He even had one of my hairbands to push his hair back from his forehead. He gets the small speaker from the bag and picks his phone up again. He works as quickly as possible, his fingers trembling. All the while whispering to myself "what the fuck are you doing Dall"
"Just wait a second" Dall responds. The doctor has also stopped to look at him, curious. He sits back down on the blue, faux leather chair that has his permanent butt print on it. His hand, red and still slightly damp slips back in mine and he continues with his other hand. "Dallon wha-" I am cut off.

A sound ripped through the miniscule speaker that we brought for no reason. "Uuuhhh push it, push it rEaL g00d" resounded through the small, stuffy hospital room. I could do nothing but laugh. In the midst of all the pain and suffering, I laugh. I am in hysterics. The doctor squeals in glee followed by a giggle. "He is out!" She screams. Holding a baby, slimy and covered in blood. "Hallelujah!" She screams again, making our little boy cry louder. I look at Dallon, he is too is laughing. "I love you so much" I tell him. He pulls me in and kisses my forehead. "I love you too" he says to me. At that moment we both realise that the music is still playing. I keep laughing. "woah, woah, woah! Nothing came out for the past five hours now you've got two things coming outta your body in two minutes!" She says. I pushed out the placenta without notice. The doctor pucks it up "You want it?" She asks.
"Hell no." I reply.

I'm at a baby shower and this song started playing and I just found it hilarious. Sorry for not updating in literally forever but school is a shit hole and I've been stuck in it pretty much this whole year. Also MANIA IS FUCKING LIFE. - Lily💜

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