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Anyooo~! Enjoy this chapter!




It was 11 PM. I've had a long day already.

Once I walked into my bedroom, I immediately changed my clothes and went straight to bed.

I tossed and turned, thinking. Who was that girl anyways?

I mean, I feel like I've known her for quite some time but I just don't know her at all.

I turned to my left and saw a framed picture on the bedside table.

I picked it up and saw a picture of that girl and I, she was kissing my cheek on that picture.

I felt that same feeling in my heart again, it felt the same when I was nearby her.

My head started to hurt. I felt a pounding pain in my head.

Flashbacks and memories started to replay in my head.

I shook my head and tried going back to sleep again.

I set the picture down and closed my eyes.

I drifted off to sleep.


~Jimin's Dream~


I woke up in a blank white place.

I turned around and saw the same picture of that girl kissing me on the cheek.

I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around once again, paranoid of the sound.

I saw a girl in white walking toward me.

She's so beautiful, I stood there amazed at her beauty.

I realized once again that it was her.

"Jimin, it's me (Y/n)," She said "It's very hurtful that you don't remember me."

"And I really hope you do remember me.", she spoke.

"I feel like I know you..", I muttered.

"You do, Jimin.", She quickly answered back "You should know that I've been your girlfriend for 2 years. And you should know that I really love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

I walked up to her, she gets closer every second.

I cupped her face with both my hands.

"I think I really do remember you..", I mumbled.

Her eyes met mine, her face was emotionless.

"Then who am I?", she said.

"Your soon to be my fiancé.", I said and leaned my face closer to hers.

My lips were about to touch hers, but it went blank white one again.


~End of Jimin's dream~


My eyes shot open, I gasped and shook my head.

Is she really my girlfriend? I think I should talk to the guys first about it.

Maybe they know something about the fiancé part.

And maybe they know if I maybe did 'that' to her..

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