The last peaceful night.

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It was 2:01 a.m in the morning, Eliza was sleeping with a heavy blanket covered all over her. It was a terrible rainy night but she still managed to sleep. Her windows were firmly closed, leaving the curtains open. The electricity wasn't stable, the lights of her bedroom were fluctuating, she couldn't sleep but she closed her eyes and was trying to get sleep. Suddenly the thunders from the vast sky fell on her neighbor's tree and gave a monstrous sound. She woke up with a frightful face, she could hardly breath, she ran to the door and opened it. It was even dark than her bedroom, she got scared and she wanted to wake her 6-year-old sister who took medicines to sleep. 

Eliza's sister, Sara, was sleep deprived, her doctors suggested that she should sleep at least 8 hours a day, they gave her minor sleeping pills and some other medications. Sara had many health issues, she was mostly in the hospitals or life-supporting machines in the home, the main reason is she was actually a premature baby, leaving her with all the health issues, poor little girl.

Since Sara was in a very deep sleep, Eliza thought she shouldn't wake her up just for her company so she left and locked her room. Eliza and Sara parents went out on a very important business trip, they said they won't return until a month. Their parents left them a babysitter, Mrs. Memana,  just for Sara as she is a little girl who needs attention. Eliza was 15 years old so she doesn't need a babysitter, she thought.

Mrs Memana was very mean in front of the girls and very nice in front her parents, Eliza told her parents that she was very mean but her parents were always busy with their jobs and never paid attention to those girls. Mrs Memana would give them half-cooked food which was very bad to taste, those girls used to fill their tummies in their school with all kinds of food, which was even better then the home food Mrs Memana gave.

It was 3:05 a.m in the morning, Eliza was very scared to even blink her eyes  but she was very sleepy. As soon as she was about to close her eyes, someone knocked her door. She thought it would be Mrs Memana and she went and opened the door. Some red light was falling on her face, she got a doubt and went further. She thought it was Mrs Memana who was shining the light on her and was telling her to stop the light. She went further, still there was no sign of the Mrs Memana. She thought it was her neighbors who were playing with the red torch light and shining it to her  and was about to turn back to her room, someone placed their hand on Eliza's shoulder. She turned and saw Sara, holding a torn and scary teddy in her hand, Sara's hair was a mess, and she was very  horrid-looking and Eliza's heart skipped a beat and she fainted looking at Sara's creepy face.

It was 7:00 a.m, Mrs Memana saw Eliza lying on the floor, Eliza was cold, pale and unconscious. Mrs Memana woke Eliza up and was still mean with Eliza, even though she noticed Eliza's condition. She even woke Sara up and she fixed their breakfast. Eliza and Sara could barely eat that raw food and they slipped as quick as they can and went to board the bus. Eliza was so scared to sit beside Sara but she had to take care of Sara. 

As soon as they reached the school, Eliza dropped her sister in her classroom and went to her class. Eliza was very disturbed in the class and she couldn't pay attention what her teacher was teaching. She was very sleepy  but suddenly the principle came and gave a notice which says that the school will be closed for ten days due to an immediate renovation in the school. Eliza was so shocked, she thought that she has to face Mrs Memana every day and was so scared to even think about staying in her house for ten days. 

Eliza's friends, Alice, Julie and Amanda, noticed her disturbed behavior and asked her what happened. Eliza explained everything without hesitating. They asked Eliza whether it was a bad dream or she really saw a ghost. Eliza said 'it wasn't a bad dream, everything was so realistic', but Eliza didn't believe in ghosts. So her friends thought she has a mental disorder due to her babysitter treating her like a slave. But Eliza was so confident that her friends actually believed her. They asked her whether she wanted to play Ouija board to find out what's happening with her. Eliza didn't believe them and said no. Her friends forced her so much that she had to accept that lame stuff, she thought.

That evening, all the friends gathered together. Amanda got the Ouija board. Alice brought the candle and Julie was just fooling around Eliza's terrace. Eliza locked the terrace door and sat along with them. Alice kept the candle and she lit the candle. Amanda placed the Ouija board, all the four girls held each other hands and were sitting in a circle. Amanda chanted the prayers and all other stuff which were very hard to pronounce. Then they all started moving the ring and asked if there was any spirit around them. The ring moved vigorously moved to yes, to its power, Amanda, Julie and Alice got scared, Eliza thought it was just rubbish and she left their hands, they said no, but she left and threw the board saying all these are just bullshit stuff. The other three girls were still holding hands and they saw some blackish-smoke behind Eliza and they broke her terrace door and started running away. Eliza was mad and she threw the board and the candle in the garbage behind her house.

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