A kind stranger

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Rain fell heavily at the city below, horses trudged through the mud pulling carriages that inside kept the wealthy warm and dry. People ducked into shops to get some cover from the rain while animals ducked into the closes cover they can get but a few weren't welcome into the warmth of a shop or cafe. They were known as vermins or disgraces, animal bloods as most people call them.

From outside a shop a familiar small grey and red pug looked through the glass, pressing his paws against the glass. Looking like a pup who wants to get adopted, his fur was wet from the rain while his paws were muddy, he no more than 5 years old and without a mother as well. The shopkeeper from inside noticed the animal blood from inside and quickly went outside to shoo him away but the pug didn't seem to want to budge from his spot. The shopkeeper, like others quickly lost his temper and grabbed the pug from the scruff on his neck making it whimper and bark loudly.

"Listen you little brat, if you won't leave then I'll make you leave other way"

Before the shopkeeper can do more he yelled in pain as someone bit his arm roughly, he dropped the pug who back up and ran for his life but he didn't get fair till someone picked him up and carried him to a nearby ally way. "I told you to not run off and you never listen D" Dres said as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve to clean the blood that stained his fangs, Duni whined and just curled up into a ball, not minding that the vampires was wet. He was just glad to be with his older brother and away from that jerk. Dres sighed and softly petted the smaller ones head making Duni wag his tail happily, though Dres was two years older than Duni, he finds it his duty to protect his younger siblings. Speaking of siblings.

Duni carried to pug to the back off the ally way scaring off some stray cats, "Did you find his" Dashlie asked the vampire who nodded, she was a year younger the Dres. "Don't scare us like that again you little troublemaker" she half yelled half scolded making Duni nod, the pug can't speak english like the rest of them, he only knows his own language from his mother and that's canine. "Guys" Don whined making the two older siblings little at the dark elf, "We have a problem".

"What's the problem" Dres asked putting Duni down, "There trying to kick us out" Don said softly making Dres growl. "Don stay here with Duni" he said going with Dashlie to find two large felines practically scaring Ddawn to death, "Hey we live here, you can't just kick us out" Dres yelled making the ginger feline look at him before laughing. "What's a small little bat like you gonna do" he said before shifting his animal form, "You could either leave or be our lunch" the feline snarled as his friends hissed. Dres gulped and grabbed Ddawn before he and Dashlie left knowing better than to pick a fight with three large cats.

"You okay" he asked making the cyborg nod, he had a few scratches but they weren't that bad, "What now, we're gonna get sick if we stay here for too long" Dashlie said as he softly took Ddawn from the vampire. "I have a risky yet stupid idea" Dres said making the albino sign, o boy.


The rain had gotten worse and the small group had moved somewhere near the stables, the horses didn't seem to mind them but the stable hands and keepers didn't like them being around the horse. The group was sleeping nearby the rain still coming down hard, Dres was using his wings trying his best to keep the others dry from the rain while they slept. He was keeping the young ones dry that being Duni, Don and Ddawn. Dashie said she didn't mind being wet and that she was used to it by now. Dres sighed deeply as the took his glasses off and tried his best to clean the water off them but only managed on making it worse making him groan in frustration. He hated the rain, he hated the sun, he hated everything.

Every since he was brought into this hell hole, everyone treated him like a demon or a rat. But he takes the beatings and makes sure he and Dashlie are able to feed the rest of their family, no matter what happens. Not like anyone else wanted them, he can't remember his previous life with his family and he knows Duni at least had one because when he found him, he was waiting for someone in a box. Dres took him in thinking maybe he could keep the small puppy company but he learned that his mother wasn't coming back when he heard the news about a carriage running over and killing a dog. He kept that a secret from Duni, not wanting to upset the pug. He meet Dashlie after, she helped him steal food and she was a master thief on pickpocketing the nobles that were in town.

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