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Enjoy this chapter~!


I opened the front door of Jimin and I's apartment.

Well, since I'm moving out I guess it's Jimin's now.

But now I realized, I don't have a place to stay. Well, this is a problem.

I thought for a second and tapped my chin.

Maybe I can stay with Hoseok until I find a place. He wouldn't mind.

I dialed Hoseok's number on my phone and called him.

"Anyo?", Hoseok answered.

"Anyo Hobi-oppa," I said "I have something important to ask you."

"Ah, ne. What is it?", Hoseok asked me.

"May I stay with you for a while? I don't think Jimin would be comfortable with me staying here.", I reasoned with Hoseok.

"Of course you can stay with me. Your my sister (Y/n).", Hoseok said enthusiastically.

"Kamsamida oppa! Saranghae!!", I said happily.

"No problem (Y/n)-ah. I love you too.", Hoseok said through the phone.

"Okay I'm going to pack my stuff now.", I said "Pick me up around 8"

"Okay," Hoseok said "Bye."

"Bye oppa.", I said and hung up.

I checked the time. It was 12 PM. I have time to pack and maybe have a shower.


~Later on~


It was 7:45 PM. I have all my stuff packed and ready.

I checked the bedroom once again to see if I was missing something.

Once I walked in the bedroom, I went to the bedside table to see two framed pictures of Jimin and I. Jimin was kissing my cheek on one picture, and I was kissing Jimin's cheek on the other.

I sighed and decided to keep one framed picture. I kept the one where Jimin was kissing my cheek.

I walked towards the cardboard boxes where I packed my stuff and put the picture inside one box.

Suddenly, I heard a door open. It was the front door.

I went to the front door to see who came in the apartment.

Once I went to see who came in, I saw Jimin at the door.

My heart skipped a beat and I tried my hardest not to run up to him and hug him.

"Oh, it's you again.", Jimin said.

I shyly nodded my head.

"What are you doing in my place anyways?", Jimin asked and crossed his arms.

"You wouldn't believe me anyways.", I said "There's no point in trying to make you remember me anyways."

I started to tear up but I bit my lip to stop myself from crying.

Jimin frowned at the look of my face.

"Look, I don't know who you are and why you're here," Jimin said, scratching his head "But I think you should leave right now."

I simply looked up and nodded.

I felt pain building up inside me.

I felt even more worse.

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