Monstrous part 2

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Lydia had called Peter and asked him to come down to the station because they needed his help. Naturally, he was difficult but Lydia mentioned that it was to speak with the Benefactor who stole his bearer bonds and suddenly he couldn't leave for the station fast enough.

The Sheriff began to pull away from the others. "Uh, I have to go and make a quick call. I'll be right back." Noah then made his way for the exit that came out into the parking lot. He made his way over to where Rafael was sitting in the car. He opened the door and got out when he caught sight of him. "I take it you heard everything."

Rafael stood and leaned up against the car. "Heard but honestly, I couldn't follow half of it."

"Well, hopefully Peter Hale could get Meredith to tell us how to stop it, if Stiles and the others don't."

"Right, and who exactly is he again?"

"It's a long story. But, right now, I have to get back and see this through. Which is why I have to ask a favor."

Rafael narrowed his eyes. "What?"

Noah made it back inside the station and waited with Lydia and Parrish for another half hour before Peter Hale finally arrived. They took him over to the interrogation room where they put Meredith.

Peter was regarding her with calculating eyes. "Her?" he slurred out. "That's the girl that stole my money?" Honestly, this wasn't what he pictured when he thought of who The Benefactor might be.

"That girl is a banshee," Lydia said in a dull tone. "And more dangerous than you'd think."

Peter kept his eyes on Meredith as she just stared out blankly. "Oh, I think that girl's pilot light went out a long time ago. Sheriff," he said giving the man a look. "Not to question the unquestionably sterling reputation of your department but are you absolutely sure you got the one?"

Noah narrowed his eyes at him. "How about you just go in there and hear what she has to say?"

Parrish then opened the door and showed Peter in. As Peter went to sit across from her, Noah and Lydia stayed outside the room while Parrish stayed inside with the two of them. Meredith just stared at Peter while he stared back with a questionable gleam in his eye.

Finally, Peter cleared his throat. "Okay, Meredith, where's my money? Or, more correctly, what's left of it."

Meredith narrowed her eyes at him. Like something was wrong. She started to slowly reach over at him and touched his face. Peter stiffened as she ran her fingers at his cheek before he suddenly moved and snatched her hand.

Parrish jumped forward as he kept one hand at his holster to pull his gun out at a moment's notice. "Let her go," he told him. But Peter kept his grip. "Let her go," he repeated more heatedly.

Peter didn't let go but he did loosen his hold a bit before calmly lowering their hands to the table. "Why did you do that?"

"They're all gone," she gasped.

Outside, Lydia had been watching them and couldn't understand Meredith's reaction to him. It was like Peter wasn't what Meredith had been expecting. She thought that Meredith had simply heard about Peter as she made her plans to rob the Hale Vault. But what she said made it click. "Oh my god, they have met before," she realized.

Peter looked back at her confused. "What?"

"The burns," she muttered. "They're all gone."

Peter widened his eyes at that. But he shook it away. He wasn't going to get distracted. "Meredith, you put everyone, including my daughter and nephew on a deathlist. Don't you think you owe us the slightest explanation of why?!"

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