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Jons P.O.V.

I was pissed; no, beyond pissed. Why hadn't Edward told me this? It was vital information. I stomped over and grabbed him by the stupid green tie he always insisted on wearing before dragging him out of the room and down the hall.

"H-hang on a minute!" Edward protested, scrabbling to keep up and not fall over. "Jesus Jon," he huffed, straightening his tie when I let him go. "It's not that big of a deal. I'm the only one that knew out of all of us."

"Did you even think about how this information could change things!?" I snarled at him.

"Of course I did!" Edward said in a tightly controlled voice. "That's why I didn't tell any of you! Could you imagine what would happen if Joker found out?"

"Are you protecting him now?" I yelled. "Protecting Batman?"

"Of course not!" Edward yelled back. "I just very much like things how they are now! We don't need complete anarchy! The city wouldn't be able to handle it!"

"So!? What do you care?" I hissed. "This city is already halfway to anarchy already."

I could feel my control slipping away and that just made me angrier. I prided himself on maintaining a strong grip on my emotions, being able to control them, but when I got into arguments like this with Edward...

'You love it when he fires you up like this don't you?' A voice that I hadn't heard in a long time spoke, and I froze.

"Jon," Edward said sensing my change.

I didn't understand. Why now? I thought I'd made peace with that aspect by accepting it.

'Oh please,' Scarecrow purred. 'You knew that you could never truly get rid of me, I am a part of you, aren't I? You can't get rid of yourself.'

"Jon?" Edward asked again, a hint of concern in his voice.

"I'm fine." I snapped. "I'm just pissed that you didn't tell me."

'Now we both know that's not true.'

"What was I supposed to do?" Edward asked, spreading his hands. "I didn't know how you'd react. Plus..." He chewed his lip.

"Plus what?" I growled.

"I was going to tell you, Jon." Edward began. "But then everything happened with Ridley and I- I didn't want to make things worse."

"What. Do. You. Mean." I asked in a clipped voice.

"I would've told you about Bruce Wayne being Batman if we'd gone through with our original plan!" Edward said.

Our original plan. To kidnap Ridley directly from Wayne Manor, destroying anyone in our way. Meaning Bruce, his butler, and that idiot that lived with them. Richard something or other. I realized then that if Bruce was Batman that meant that Richard had to be Robin.

"You changed the plan at the last possible minute," I recalled. "You said that killing Bruce wouldn't do anything to help Gotham or help us deal with Ridley. If I remember correctly you also said it'd be too hard."

"That's true," Edward said with a nod.

"But it wasn't just because it was 'too hard'." I said. "We've broken into higher security places before. It was because you didn't want to get on Ridley's bad side!" I gave him an accusing look.

"Is that such a bad thing?" Edward demanded.

Before I could bite back a retort, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Turning my head, I saw Selina standing there with Ridley. Anger shot through me when I beheld her and she flinched when she met my gaze; scooting closer to Selina. Interesting... I remembered when I officially met her after Edward's test. She looked like I had reminded her of someone. How ironic it was that I reminded her of myself, or rather, a part of myself.

'She doesn't remember?' Scarecrow asked.

'No,' I replied mentally.

'How interesting.' Scarecrow mused. 'I wonder what it would take for her to remember.'

'We're not doing anything.' I instructed. 'Not yet anyway. I don't want Edward to get mad at me.'

'You're weaker since we last spoke.' Scarecrow said in disgust.

'I'm cautious.' I corrected. 'There's nothing wrong with that.'

Scarecrow snorted but remained silent.

"-- upstairs." Selina was saying as I brought myself out of my thoughts. She glanced disapprovingly at me.

"I suggest that you stay down here until you're done with your argument; Harley's came back with me."

Edward nodded and I scowled. How dare Selina tell me what to do! I was free to do whatever I wished.

"Don't come back up until you two can act like adults and not children." Selina frowned before walking away. Ridley followed her, but not before casting a concerned look at Edward.

Irritation boiled in my stomach. I was a wolf stalking its prey, and I had set my eyes on Edward. And like said wolf, I'd destroy anyone that got in my way. However, that's where I ran into a problem. I knew that Edward cared for the girl, even if he didn't know it yet himself; one of the pros and cons of being a psychologist. I knew that if I hurt Ridley, I'd also hurt Edward. That was just something I couldn't do, something I wouldn't do willingly at least.

"Why protect her?" I asked once Ridley and Selina had left.

"Why not?" Edward defended. "Doesn't she remind you of someone?"

"Ridley is not Anna!" I roared, slamming Edward against the wall. I heard a crack! as his head made contact with the cement. I instantly felt bad, but not that bad; the jackass had deserved it.

Edward blinked, trying to clear his blurry vision and winced when he moved his head.

"I know she's not Anna," he said softly, emotion crossing his features. "I know that," he repeated.

"Then why...?"

"I made a promise Jon," Edward said with a sigh. "You understand that right? I made a promise and I intend to keep it."

"That promise was made by a 15-year-old boy who didn't understand the full implications of what it meant." I sneered.

"You're just going to have to accept the fact," Edward said with a scowl. "Ridley's staying whether you like it or not. We need her. I need her."

'Pathetic.' Scarecrow hissed. I was inclined to agree, and I told Edward such.

"That's pathetic," I spat, letting go of him and storming away.

"Jon," Edward said, grabbing my arm. "Jonathan."

"What do you want?" I asked harshly, resisting the impulse to rip my arm out of his grip.

"I don't want this to get in the way of our friendship," he said letting go of my arm. He gave me such a forlorn look that I knew he was sincere, but I wasn't about to give in that easily.

"You should've thought about that earlier," I growled.

"I'm sorry Jon," Edward pressed. "I should've told you about Bruce being Batman, about Ridley, about everything."

"Forget it," I snarled, walking away.

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