That Night

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(2:00 Am)

(Natsu has been crying  for an hour lucy came to him to comfort him he was hungry a few minutes later so he cried three minutes later he started crying again he stopped crying when lucy came back and played with him for a little he was quiet one minute later he started crying lucy did not come back he was silent and he started crying harder)


Lucy=Ugh why won't he stop crying.

Happy=Natsu is so loud.

Lucy=Grr be quiet!!!!!!!!


Lucy=That actually worked.


Lucy=I'll get him.

(In the guest room) Natsu=Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!

Lucy=Ugh natsu whats wrong.

Natsu=Ahhhh!!! mama mama!!!

(Lucy walks to natsu's crib and leaned over the crib)

Lucy=Natsu whats wrong why are you crying?

Natsu=(Sob sob)(sniff)

Lucy=Alright don't cry.

(When lucy picked natsu up his footie pj's were soaking wet)

Lucy=What the why are you wet hmm(Snff sniff) oh no you wet yourself no wonder you were crying so hard natsu i'm sorry.


Lucy=Hmm you know what you need a bath.

(In the bathroom)

Lucy=There just right bathtime natsu.

(Lucy took natsu pj's and diaper off and puts him in the bathtub)


Lucy=Hmmm natsu look.


(Lucy picks up an rubber duck and puts it in the water)

Lucy=(Silly tone)come on natsu don't be sad be happy.

(So lucy sucked up water with the rubber duck and squrited natsu with it)

Natsu=Heh heh ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Lucy=Heh heh there we Go Alright natsu close your eyes I don't trust this no tears stuff.

(So she went about washing natsu's messy pink hair)

Natsu=Ha ha ha ha!

Lucy=Alright done.

Natsu=Baa ba bah.

Lucy=Heh heh you sure have a lot to say natsu.

Natsu=Bah ah gaaah mama.

Lucy=Really I never knew.

Natsu=Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!

Lucy=There all clean but I should never give you that much juice ever again.

Natsu=Mama Ba Ah Ah.

Lucy=Heh heh.

(So lucy dressed natsu and she let him sleep with her)

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