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After Hermione found out, she ran with the Draco to the hospital wing, as soon as she saw Ginny she burst into tears and hugged her. She kept repeating "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." Whilst Draco patted Harry on the back. Ron, pansy, Luna and Blaise burst through the doors, Luna through her hands to her face to hide her tears, Blaise hugged her and Pansy hugged Ginny and Hermione. Ron was sobbing.

Harry sent a patronus to the Barrow bearing the news and one minute later Mr and Mrs Weasley popped out of no where. They ran to Ginny and embraced her.

It soon spreads across the school, Ginny and Harry got a lot of card and chocolate. They got 1 month off as well as Hermione, Draco, Pansy, Ron, Luna and Blaise. Everyone always accompanied Ginny and Harry so they didn't feel alone.

Hinnys room - Harry and Ginny

"Harry?" Ginny murmured. Ever since the miscarriage, she'd been quieter and more fragile. " yes honey?" He replied. Harry was hurting so so bad, he tried to stay strong around Ginny but whenever he's alone he cried. "I want to talk to you."
"Okay, I'm listening." Harry responded.
"I'm scared." She said. Harry pulled her close.
"I know, so am I." He whispered.
"I get nightmares, of our baby boy pointing his little finger at me and saying it's all my fault." She cried and tears fell down her face.
"It is not your fault, it's no body's fault, don't blame yourself for something you couldn't control." Harry said firmly.
"It was, my stupid body couldn't handle it. I'm weak." She whimpered.
"Listen to me. It wasn't your fault, you cannot control your body in that way, maybe you should see someone to help you with you're nightmares, and you Ginny Weasley, are not weak." Harry claimed. Ginny hugged Harry and nodded at the seeing someone idea. "Next time you get the nightmare, wake me up and I will comfort you until you fall asleep, I promise." He smiled. Ginny nodded and they got into bed.

That night Ginny slept better and she was so grateful to have Harry and all her friends in her life.

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